fifty eight: goodnight

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"you're so comfortable," you muttered, shifting your position on reid as you moved yourself closer to the crook of his neck before letting out a sigh and getting comfortable once more as you slowly wrapped your arms around him.

"you needy, needy, woman," he muttered to you as he laughed gently, resting his hand on your lower back as he held you close to him.

"i'm only needy for you, spence," you said softly, resting your head against his chin as he smiled to himself, feeling butterflies floating around his chest and stomach and mind- clouding it with only the thoughts of you. it was something he never thought could happen.

"i never knew i could love someone so much," he said softly as you replied back sleepily.

"hm?" you asked.

"i never knew i could love someone so much," he repeated a little louder as you sat up and looked at him with tired eyes.

"well," you responded. "you're very easy to love, spence, so i can definitely second that statement. i've only had a couple of boyfriends and you, by far, are the best. i've determined that you are the love of my life and i've never been able to express that so openly before."

he smiled up at you, watching you sleepily blink at him while you admired the way he was looking up at you.

"i'm sorry to cut this short," you began. "but i'm really tired and you are the most comfortable person to lay on."

he nodded, giving you a signal that it was okay for you to go back to sleep as you laid back down on him, letting out a comforted sigh.

"goodnight, spence," you said softly, tightening your grip on your boyfriend. "i love you."

"goodnight, angel," he said back softly, running his fingers gently through your hair. "i love you so much more."

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