one hundred and forty nine: you've got me

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"you okay?" reid asked you as he sat down beside you in the conference room with a cup of coffee. he looked over at you, seeing your eyes looking aimlessly at the blank wall across from where the two of you were sitting.

he raised a brow as you shook yourself out of it, looking over at your boyfriend. you nodded, giving him a small smile before turning to face the wall again.

reid knew you weren't. he knew your every look. he knew you better than you knew yourself- and you knew he did and that you couldn't hide anything from him.

"spence," you spoke up softly as you looked back over at him. he turned to look at you once more. "do you ever think about the people that survived the cases that we solved?" you asked softly.

"why are you thinking about it?" he questioned, still looking at you. "______, look at me."

you turned to look at him, your eyes staring into his.

"why are you so frightened?" he asked as you stood up, waiting for him to follow as the two of you left the room. you went to an empty office as he followed you, closing the door gently behind the two of you.

"i'm having nightmares," you muttered as he furrowed his brows, walking closer to you as he reached up and grabbed your wrists as he pulled your fingers from your hair.

"i can't stop thinking about them, spence," you said, looking up at him. "it's not going away."

your teary eyes looked between his.

"is that why you've been getting up at night?" he asked as you nodded slowly.

"i can't sleep," you muttered.

"_____, babe," he said as you looked back over at him. "you're going to be okay. you know that i'm always here for you, no matter what."

you nodded as reid pulled you gently into a hug as you rest your arms around his neck gently. you let out a sigh.

"you always know what to do," you said gently.

reid smiled, pressing a kiss to your neck.

"i would be a pretty shitty boyfriend if i didn't know how to handle your emotions," he muttered as you smiled, tightening your hold on him some more.

"are you okay?" he asked.

you nodded, feeling him beginning to let go as you tightened your hold once more.

"i know you aren't," he muttered. "and as much as i'd like to hug you all day, we have a new case to work on."

you nodded, reluctantly letting go of him as he stared down at you with a smile as he gently rubbed his thumb across your cheek.

"you'll be okay, ______. you've got me," he said softly as you nodded, closing your eyes to his touch.

"i know i do, spence."

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