seventy five: internally jealous

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this is a draft from a long time ago that i'm gonna upload for right now

"_____, get your boyfriend under control," morgan said as he passed you sitting at emily's desk as you looked up after taking a sip from your coffee.

"what?" you asked, looking over at morgan as reid walked over to join the conversation.

"he will not stop talking about the statistics on the way to get a girlfriend," morgan muttered as emily laughed while you took another sip of your drink as you looked over towards your boyfriend before looking back over at morgan.

"what are you doing, pretty thing?" morgan asked, looking over at you. "i saw you look over."

"okay, morgan," reid began, as he looked over at him with a jealous look in his eyes. "there's no need to flirt with her."

you smiled to yourself, hopping down from the desk as you looked over at morgan.

"yeah, come on, morgan," you said as you took reid's hand into yours. "there's no need for the flirting."

"see, this is what i have an issue with! you two always come at me for saying things that i say to penelope too," he replied. "kid, not every girl i flirt with will i date," he said as reid smiled over at him, feeling you tighten your hand in his.

morgan smiled over at the two of you as you looked up at him as you shrugged.

"you two are cute," morgan said as reid smiled over at him while you took another sip of your coffee before remembering you needed to talk to garcia.

"mm, spence, i need to go talk to garcia," you said as you began walking. reid didn't want to let go of your hand, causing you to look back at him in confusion as he smiled back at you.

"i like holding your hand," he said sweetly as you blushed heavily.

"alright, come on, spence," you told him sweetly as he smiled back at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead before the two of you began walking in the direction of garcia's office as emily and morgan stared over at the two of you.

"i know you flirt with pretty much every girl that isn't in the bau, but you really only flirt with _____ and garcia," emily muttered. "why is that when you know how protective reid is over that girl?"

morgan shrugged. "____ and i used to always do that."

"no you didn't," emily said. "oh my gosh, are you jealous?"

morgan shook his head. "no. what would make you think i'm jealous of the kid?"

"because he's got ______ all wrapped around his finger and you didn't get the chance to tell her exactly how you felt," emily said as morgan took your previous seat as he looked down at emily.

"come on, prentiss," morgan said. "you know that i would never do anything to hurt the kid."

"morgan, we all know that- including you. but i think you also know that you want her so badly," she replied. "i think it's a good thing to watch distance and boundaries. you never know how far reid could go if he figured out what you're feeling internally."

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