sixty five: always yours, angel

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you had decided to sit down in garcia's office with her as she worked hard on the case. you were helping her in any way possible because it was how the team operated. together. rossi was on his way out from the conversation and asking garcia some information as you took a sip of your coffee before hearing your boyfriend come in. 

"i heard you were hungry, so i thought i might bring you a little surprise," reid said as he entered the room, noticing you were sitting, looking through papers as you soon set them down after seeing garcia reach over and take the bag. 

he smiled over at her while he came over to you, wrapping his arms around the top of your shoulders. he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head before smiling down at you.

"what is in this?" garcia asked as she opened the bag and you laughed a little at her eagerness. "it's a croissant and it's still warm! oh, you love me and i love you. i know i flirt with derek, but that's like an animal blood in the nostrils kind of thing. what we have is a pure, transcendent, blueberry-filled-"

"garcia," you said as you looked over at her, raising a brow in her direction as she nodded, giving him another smile as she thanked him once more before the computer beeped. reid laughed softly to himself as you tightened your hold on his hands that were laying loosely around your shoulders. 

"what is it?" reid asked as she sort of stared at the screen for a moment. 

"dillon kingman's great smoky alibi just went up in smoke. and according to his credit card, he went to the same local gas station twice yesterday," she responded as you looked over at the screen.

"2.2 gallons at 7:03am and 15.4 gallons at 9:22pm," you muttered. "what kind of car does he drive?"

"audi A6, 2012," garcia responded. 

"with a highway-to-city ratio of four to one, averaged to twenty nine miles per gallon, which is standard for that make, model, and year, he traveled roughly four hundred and fifty miles, which assuming one way and back, puts his destination two hundred and twenty five miles away," reid said as you tightened the grip on his hand a little more, causing him to briefly look down at you before looking back towards the computer.

"what is your deal?" reid asked you at the end of the day. you looked over at him in confusion, picking up your bag as you answered back. 

"what do you mean?" you asked. 

he grabbed your hand as soon as it was available as he responded back. 

"you're so jealous," he muttered as you smiled up at him. 

"i protect my territory," you told him, as you both began walking towards the exit so you could both go home. 

"______, i'll forever be yours, angel," he told you sweetly, kissing the side of your head before you smiled once more.

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