one hundred and twenty nine: dork

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"_____, your boyfriend is such a dork," morgan said as he walked over to your desk as reid followed him over there. you looked up from going through your papers as you smiled at them.

"that he is, morgan," you replied. "that he is."

reid furrowed his brows. "you really think that?"

you got up, putting all the papers together and gathering them in the original vanilla envelope before walking over to reid, standing up on your tiptoes to reach him as you pressed a sweet but brief kiss to his cheek before giving him another smile and walking off to meet j.j. to give her the case.

"you're so lucky she loves you so much," morgan said. "or else i know for a fact that she would've agreed with me on that."

"she does," reid responded. "she just doesn't say it for some reason and i really don't know why she won't just admit it."

"admit what?" prentiss asked as she joined the conversation.

"_____ won't admit that reid is a dork."

prentiss chuckled, watching as you were coming back down to your desk area where everyone was standing who was in the conversation.

you looked up as you got to your desk to see prentiss and morgan smiling at you while reid shyly looked at you before looking away.

"what's up, guys?" you asked slowly in confusion.

"why won't you admit that reid is a dork?"

you smiled to yourself, looking back down towards your desk as you sorted through some more papers.

"because sometimes he's not," you muttered softly. "i mean, sometimes he's-"

reid pushed past prentiss and morgan as he came over to you, lacing his hand into your hair as he pulled you into a kiss.

you smiled to yourself in the kiss as morgan raised his eyebrows in response while prentiss took a sip of her coffee.

"he's a dork with a romantic side, ______," morgan said aloud as they both left to go get ready for when the case was announced.

when reid let go, you smiled up at him.

"you're still my favorite dork, pretty boy," you said softly, staring up at him as he smiled, rubbing your cheek with his thumb gently.

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