one hundred and thirty four: maybe a baby

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"oh, i'm telling you it was good," garcia said, laughing a little as she shut the door to her office as kevin followed her inside. "it was so good. i highly recommend it."

"i'm not doing some weird, online test to determine what my star sign says about my personality," kevin replied, laughing a little as he crossed his arms. you knocked on the door to her office, waiting for her to tell you to enter. 

garcia called for you to enter. 

you opened the door, walking in to see kevin standing there as you stopped.

"oh, sorry, i didn't mean-" you said as kevin smiled over at you before pressing a kiss to garcia's forehead. 

"you're fine, ______. i was about to leave anyways," he said, telling her bye before heading out and down the hallway. 

"so," garica began as she turned to go get on her computers. "what's going on with you, pretty lady?" she asked. 

you shut the door to her office as she turned around to face you in confusion. you never shut the door to her office unless it was serious. she furrowed her brows in confusion as you looked up at her. 

"garcia," you began. "i think i might be pregnant." 

she stood still in her tracks, her mouth falling open into the shape of an 'o'. 

"from who?" she asked. 

you awkwardly rubbed the back of your neck. the team knew you were seeing someone, but they didn't know who. all they knew is that you and him didn't consider yourselves to be dating quite yet. you two were just hanging out. 

"garcia," you began. "i don't think that's the cause for concern right now."

"_____, what if this guy has a criminal record! or what if he has an STD or something! what if he is abusive or what if he's super, overly jealous and could hurt you! what if he's some type of-" garcia said as you finally broke.

"fine, it's reid!" you said, looking at her before looking away as you bit your lip nervously. 

"you and reid have been sleeping together?" she asked, laughing a little at the end as you sighed, turning around and opening the door as you exited her office. she stopped laughing, going after you as you walked down the hallway.

when you to be around morgan's office, garcia stopped you. you were both standing in front of the windows and his door was open as he stopped reading the case file on his desk as he zoned into your conversation. 

"hey, look, i wasn't laughing at that or at you and him, okay? i was just laughing because i didn't know how to take the news. i mean, ______, you are so absolutely incredible and talented and brilliant and i just want the best for you."

"garcia, i'm fine," you told her. "he's the sweetest ever, but i'm just worried."

"_____, look, if you're worried about being pregnant, you need to go get a test done soon. you never mentioned taking one." 

"it hasn't been a week yet," you told her. 

"then how do you think you're pregnant and your period isn't just late?" she asked you. 

"i don't know, i'm not sure," you told her truthfully. "but i just have this feeling. it's in my gut and i'm just worried."

"are you worried about having a child with reid?" she asked as morgan sat up at that. hearing you might be pregnant was interesting for him, sure, but hearing that reid might be the father was something he just didn't expect. 

"garcia, we aren't ready for a kid. i mean, hell, we aren't even technically dating!"

"okay, you and reid have been seeing each other for like, i don't know, five months, ______."

you bit your lip nervously. 

"if that's not dating, i'm not sure what is," she said as you ran a hand through your hair. 

"we have a case, garcia," you said gently, walking off from her as she watched you go. 

"_____ is pregnant?" morgan asked from his doorway as garcia jumped a little in shock. 

"were you listening to our conversation?" she asked. 

"my door was wide open and neither of you noticed," he muttered. "so, ______ is pregnant?" 

garcia shoved him into his office as she shut the door before explaining everything. 

"she might be, she's not sure," she began.

"and reid is the father?" morgan asked. 

garcia nodded, crossing her arms against her chest. 

"when do you think she'll figure out if she is?" morgan asked as garcia responded.

"she said she'll do the test when it's been a week since the time of the month," she said as morgan nodded. 

"what will happen if she is?" he asked.

garcia shrugged.

"i'm not sure." 

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