twenty two: irresistable

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"get your boyfriend under control, please," morgan said as he came up to you as you were talking with one of the other agents. you looked over at him, furrowing your brow in confusion.

"what did he do this ti-" you began but reid came out of nowhere and pressed his lips to yours as you leaned back slightly. when he let go, you cleared your throat a little as reid looked down at you and raised his brows. "yeah, i, uh," you began, looking up at reid once more before giving in and pushing yourself into his grasp as reid looked over at morgan with a smile on his face. "i'm sorry, morgan," you told him as your grip held onto him tightly.

"oh my gosh! you can't resist anything he does, can you?" morgan asked as you shook your head, pushing yourself further into his grasp as you smiled sweetly at him.

reid chuckled.

"that's because she's my beautiful, beautiful _____ who just knows that i'd do anything for her," reid said as he held you closely.

"hey, guys," j.j. said as she stood near the edge of the railing leading up to the bau conference room. "we're meeting."

morgan and you nodded as reid continued to hold you close as he smiled.

"alright, we should probably get going," he began muttering as you smiled up at him, letting out a small laugh as you got closer to where only he could hear you and whispered something in his ear. "oh my god, ______! not right now but definitely later tonight."

morgan looked at the two of you in slight disgust and confusion as he laughed it off.

"right, he's so irresistible," he said as you nodded, pressing a kiss to his cheek before sliding your hand down into his as the two of you began walking off to the conference room.

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