one hundred and nintey one: new relationship (part three)

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getting to work that morning, your sister was already there at the offices. you groaned, putting your hand to your head before opening the door to the main desks and proceeding straight to yours before slipping away to the coffee nook. you were hoping your sister wouldn't notice anything.

she didn't.

once you got over to the coffee nook, you met up with prentiss.

"hey, emily,"  you said softly. she looked over at you, finishing stirring her coffee as she responded to you.

"hey, ______! heard you and the brainiac over there made it official!" she said, giving you a bright smile. you laughed, looking down towarads your mug as you added some more sugar into the cup. 

"we did," you said with a smile. "it's going to be an interesting journey considering that both of us have never been in a relationship before. i mean, i've been on a couple dates and all- but those don't truly prepare you for dating truly."

prentiss nodded.

"oh, trust me, ______. dating is such an interesting thing. like, it's great to be loved by somebody and adored and for that person to constantly be around you-  but it's rough when the harder times hit with disagreements. for now, i'd enjoy the honeymoon you're in. because it is the absolute best," she admitted, taking a sip of her drink.

you smiled over at her, thanking her for the advice before hearing hotch calling everybody to gather.

when arriving inside the main conference room, you took your usual seat beside prentiss and morgan. your eyes never left the papers that jj handed out to the team, including your sister now. it was so odd having to work with her and try to ignore all the things she was saying about your boyfriend. 

after the case reading, you were standing up to gather your things and go talk to reid. 

"are you ready for today?" you asked, handing him some papers to put in his bag. he laughed a little, reshouldering the bag on his shoulder. 

"are we ever?" he questioned, causing you to nod a little with a small laugh. your sister was staring daggers at you the entire time before finally speaking up.

"what the hell did you do to get him?" she asked aloud.

you turned to face her, letting out a sigh.

the entire team, besides hotch and rossi were still in the room.

"i mean, look at me! i'm gorgeous and just as smart as you, yet he chose you over me," she muttered, crossing her arms over her chest. you never spoke out publicly about this stuff in front of the team, especially family related issues, but your sister spoke first.

"okay, sarah, you have got to stop being so petty and get over yourself. spence agreed to date me, and not you. if you're so gorgeous, go out and get yourself a boyfriend that is not already dating somebody. there is absolutely no need for this chilidish behavior."

that's when you grabbed reid's hand in yours and you both exited the room. garcia, prentiss, morgan, and jj all looked around at each other in slight shock. 

none of the team was expecting such a polite response from you after the way your sister had been acting towards you and reid. it was honestly surprising. 

however, that never stopped your sister. and she continued to watch you two throughout the entire case. 

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