forty one: trust me

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being on a case that was about a girl and a boy that were together and deeply in love was difficult for you. these kids were missing and reid was going through something he didn't want to explain to you and put you through as well.

you took a seat in one of the chairs in the police station as you let out a heavy exhale and rubbed a hand over your stomach.

"you okay?" rossi asked as j.j. turned around from the window to look at you.

you nodded, leaning your head back a little as you let out an exhale.

"yeah, i'm fine," you said. "i just wish spence would stop hiding things from me."

"he's hiding things?" j.j. asked, crossing her arms in the process.

you nodded, continuing to rub a hand over your stomach as you let out a heavy exhale.

"oh my god," you muttered. "he's not due for another three weeks. what is going on?"

"guys, there's a situation outside," morgan said as he watched the team go and was about to leave with them when he saw you still sitting in the chair.

"_____?" he asked softly, entering the room.

"hey, yeah, i'm coming. just give me a- oh my god," you said loudly, feeling the pain of your pregnant stomach. you let out another exhale that was just as large as the one before.

"_____, we have to get you to a hospital," he began as he came over and tried to help you but you shook your head in response.

"i appreciate it, morgan," you began, looking up at him while a hand remained on your stomach. "but i need reid. i need spence in here right now."

"_____, he's sort of trying to talk down the killer," he replied softly. you shook your head, feeling tears coming to your eyes as you pushed yourself up from the chair and could feel the pain throughout.

morgan tried to stop you but you pushed past him, opening the door and still holding onto your stomach.

you could see reid standing in the street, blocking hotch's shot. prentiss noticed you as she tried to get your attention to not walk out into the street but you wouldn't listen. you needed reid.

right now.

when the kid reid was talking to stopped focusing on him, spence turned around to see you walking towards him in pain.

"spence," you said, seemingly in a lot of pain as he came rushing over to you, grabbing you in his arms.

"______, sweetheart, what are you doing right now?" he asked gently, trying to be sweet with you.

"he's coming, spence," you said. "i know that catching this killer is the most important but he's coming and i-" you began but reid nodded, still holding you.

"please," he said towards the kid. "please just set down the gun. we can get it all sorted out to where you give her the necklace and i can get my girlfriend to the hospital in time. come on, now. please."

the kid stared at the two of you before slowly walking forwards and setting down the gun. he backed away slowly as morgan came running up to arrest him. hotch looked over at you as you were clutching onto reid for what looked like dear life.

"i can't give birth in the middle of the street but we're running out of time," you told him with tears in your eyes.

"hey, hey," he said softly. "we're going to be okay- you're going to be okay. you just have to trust me," he said. "do you trust me?"

you nodded, looking up at him with glossy, teary eyes.

"then believe in me that i will get you to a hospital right now," he said gently, pressing a brief kiss to your forehead before walking with you to morgan and prentiss who were already getting a car started.

"just trust me," he said.

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