one hundred and four: weird

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the breakup had hit hard for the two of you. it didn't help that you were constantly working alongside him because of your job- that's how you both met each other.

you told everyone that you didn't want anything to be weird and reid agreed to it, knowing that it was the only way for you two to work it out and be okay in the end.

it was a night out with the bau team as you all sat in a restaurant. a man came over to your table as he smiled over at you specifically before handing out menus and getting drink orders.

when he came back, he set the drink down, still looking over at you.

"if you guys need anything else, let me know," he said, smiling at you as you stared down into your drink, not even noticing it. you stirred the drink with your straw as morgan looked over at you, along with prentiss and garcia.

"did you guys know that flirting isn't always the words people say but can also be the way that another person looks at the other?" reid said, sitting back in his chair as he tried to avoid eye contact.

"oh my god, you guys said you didn't want it to be weird!" garcia said, taking a sip of her drink afterwards.

"i'm not making it weird," reid responsed as morgan nudged him in the side.

"kid, you're clearly bothered by the fact that another man was slightly interested in your ex girlfriend over there."

you looked up finally, looking over at morgan before deciding it was best to stay focused on the drink.

"are you cool with this, _____? are you not thinking it's weird or anything at all?" he asked.

you continued to stare down into your drink, trying to ignore what they were saying. you were having a really hard time already trying to get over him and now you had the team butting into issues that weren't existent to begin with.


"morgan, can you please just let me try to handle this on my own?" you said, looking up at him as you stopped stirring the drink and blinked back tears but they escaped before you could get rid of them. "i'm having a really tough time getting over spence and it's not helping when people constantly think everything he says is about me because it's not. he's reid! you of all people know that he says things sometimes and that they could mean absolutely nothing to a situation but forcing them to mean something when they don't is just not okay with me. i just don't think i can-" you had to stop, standing up and walking out of the restaurant because you were about to break down completely.

reid looked over at you.

"i need to go help her," he said, still looking over at you walking out of the restaurant.

"hey, kid, are you crazy? no, just no. she's your ex girlfriend. you can't just go help her out right now."

reid furrowed his brows.

"and why's that?" he asked.

"well, uh, well, just because, it's weird!" he finally came up with an answer.

reid stood up, looking down at morgan. "it's because you like her, morgan."

with that, he walked off to go find you.

when he stepped outside of the restaurant, he looked around before spotting you sitting on a bench near the restaurant.

he walked over to you, seeing you staring at the passing cars as tears glossed your eyes.

"_____," he said softly, breaking you out of your gaze.

"i know i'm not supposed to want this right now but i could really use it," you said softly, looking up at him as he nodded, allowing it.

you pulled him into a tight hug as you held onto him like your life depended on it.

"what do you mean that you're not supposed to want this right now? we're friends. friends hug," reid said to you as you sighed.

"we're ex's, spence," you replied. "we're supposed to want nothing to do with the other."

he chuckled, rubbing his thumb across your back like you always liked him doing. it was force of habit for him now since you were the only one he really allowed to hug him.

"maybe we're different ex's. maybe it's a good thing that they are no hard feelings since we work together."

you nodded, tightening your hold on him as he sighed.

"i miss you too, you know," he replied as you furrowed your brows.


he nodded. "i think about you all the time. i miss having you over at my apartment."

you smiled to yourself, thinking of all the good memories you had there.

"spence, then why did we break up?"

"you know," he said, holding you close. "you know it. you do. we weren't a good match as a couple but we are as friends which i think is important."

you nodded.

"it's just not the same, which is weird."

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