one hundred and twenty one: in love with you

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author's note: because we need something happy after that last one:)

"spence! let's go do something fun!" you said, walking into the main part of his apartment as you searched around for him before feeling him grab your waist and pick you up as you laughed loudly before covering your mouth as he set you down.

"don't wake my neighbors, ______!" he said while laughing as you smiled up at him, lightly punching him before pulling him down into a brief kiss before letting go to go find your shoes.

reid wasn't letting you go that easily though.

he came back over to you, grabbing your hand as he pulled you towards him as he pressed his lips back onto yours. you smiled, wrapping your arms around him before letting go.

"i meant fun as in the outdoor kind of fun, spence," you said, smiling up at him as he shrugged.

"it can all be the same thing," he muttered, pressing another kiss to your lips as you let go, heavily blushing as reid smiled at you.

"you're acting like morgan," you said, looking up at him again as he smiled down at you. you felt butterflies erupting in your chest as you let out a somewhat shaky sigh while continuing to look up at him.

"i've got you," he said softly as you nodded, still staring up at him as you couldn't look away anymore.

"how do you do that?"

"all i did was look at you," he said with a little smile.

"it's more than that," you said softly, feeling yourself being pulled closer to him slowly before he pressed his lips back to yours. you sunk into it easily before hearing your phone ring.

"spence, i need to answer it," you said as he kept his arms around you, shaking his head.

"it's probably just garcia or something," he muttered but you shook your head.

"spence, i need to-" you began again but he kissed you again, causing you to fully melt into his arms as he held onto you, keeping you close. you were bent backwards a good bit as his arm held you up while one was laced into your hair.

when the ringing stopped, your voicemail went off saying a message from morgan about a case you both needed to get to.

he let go first, seeing your eyes still closed as you smiled.

"sweetheart, we have a case," he said gently as you nodded.

"i'm in love," you said softly, opening your eyes as you looked up at him. "i'm so in love with you, spence."

he smiled down at you sweetly, pulling you up and pressing a kiss to your forehead.

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