one hundred: profiler, profiled

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you had been on the team for quite some time and through those years you had been there, you had dated a couple of guys that you had struggled to find a connection with. you dated each guy between four to six months which isn't really too long but you definitely wanted someone who you felt that you could really talk to- about anything. not just your job, or your apartment complex, or even yourself because while you enjoyed people getting, and wanting to get, to know you better, it was draining when you're all the wanted to talk about and not themselves.

however, over these years, you had two of your team members who worked alongside you everyday that soon found you attractive to them in different ways.

one found you gorgeous and spontaneous while also being calm and collected while the other simply found everything about you mesmerizing and beautiful.

it did take you a little while to get comfortable with the team and telling people things after your trust issues that stemmed from your past relationships but one person who you instantly felt comforted by and could trust almost immediately was reid.

you felt like you could tell him anything and everything and he kept it all to himself and you. he didn't want to break a trust you so eagerly loved and found so early and with him, too.

on this day, you were sitting at your desk, reading a magazine garcia had given to you for you to know the different zodiac signs and what they meant but you were so distracted while waiting for reid to come and meet you at your desk like he always did in the morning before the call to a case.

he was running late though, which he also tended to do, so you were stuck reading a magazine when you could be talking to your best friend right now.

"no reid?" morgan asked as you looked up from the magazine, shaking your head.

morgan was one of the guys who you had a hard time trusting at first. you did now, but back in the earlier days, you just didn't. you weren't sure what it was, but you had always trusted reid from the start.

"nope. he's running late, again," you said after a momentary pause in your sentence. "and garcia wants me to read this zodiac magazine or something so i can learn from it? i'm not really sure exactly what she wants."

morgan chuckled.

"that's her," he replied. "she always wanted me to read those, too, but i told her that i'd make her do another fit test if she did."

you laughed a little, setting it down on your desk as you let out a sigh, sitting back in your chair. morgan observed you, admiring every bit of you. the way your hair fell, what your outfit was, the way you waited for the door to open.

that's when it hit him.

you were so eager to see reid- and not him. he knew you two were best friends, so he didn't want to question it or anything, but you were seeming more eager today than usual. maybe you guys had something interesting to talk about, though.

who knew.

your phone vibrated in your pocket as you pulled it out, seeing reid's name as you smiled to yourself before answering.

morgan knew then.

you definitely liked reid.

"spence, hey, where are you?" you asked as you were walking towards the coffee nook area as morgan watched from your desk.

"i overslept so i'll be late today, but we can still talk," he responded as you smiled to yourself.

"you're the only guy i trust," you said softly and you knew he was smiling to himself.

"and you're the only woman i'd ever tell any of my secrets to," he replied as you laughed.

"okay, well, spence," you began. "you know how i haven't really wanted a relationship for a while?"

"yeah, why?"

you nervously ran your finger over the top of your coffee mug.

"i, uh, i think i like someone," you muttered as he laughed a little into the phone.

"if it's the pizza guy again, i'm going to have to tell him to stop bribing you with food to go out with him because that's just weird," he muttered as you laughed to yourself.

you shook your head, clearing your throat a little.

"you know what? can we just talk about it later when you get here?" you asked as he nodded to himself.

"yeah, of course. everything okay?" he asked.

"i'll see you soon, spence," you said before hanging up the call and taking a deep inhale. you were nervous as hell to open up so much to your best friend.

you really wanted this to work out. i mean, you really wanted it too.

there was something about him that you absolutely adored and while you couldn't pin it down directly, maybe that was a good thing. it meant you loved all of him.

when reid finally arrived at the building, you saw him walk in as you nervously smiled over at him. morgan noticed it all. and i mean, he noticed everything. given he was a profiler.

he rushed to put his stuff down and come over to your desk, eager to hear what you had to say to him.

"hey, so sorry i'm late. what's up?" he asked, looking down at you as you stood up, looking up at him before nodding towards an empty room to go into.

"can we talk privately?" you asked as he nodded, furrowing his brows.

morgan did the same.

when you got to the empty room, you shut the door and let out a sigh as reid nodded when you turned around and noticed.

"what?" you asked.

"you like me, don't you?" he asked as you swallowed thickly. your face was getting hot with embarrassment from the situation.

"uh," you began, stuttering and stumbling over your words. "i, uh, what?"

"the way you're nervous, asking to talk in private, ending our phone call weirdly, asking me a question about if i know how you're ready to date again," he began lining up evidence as you sighed. "it all adds up."

"spence," you began, biting your cheek as you looked away from him. "i don't want to mess anything up between us. i mean, we're best friends, and i wish i could know if you-"

"if i like you back?" he asked, interrupting your flow of thought, causing you to stop and nod in response.
he smiled to himself, looking down towards his pants.

"i guess you don't have to worry about messing anything up, _____," he replied. "because i like you too."

you looked up at him, a blushing and smiling mess as you stared at him.

"wait, really? oh my god."

he smiled. "i've been sort of testing the waters to see what you do when you like someone. like, i watch and see what happens when you like someone. i've studied you over our time as best friends and you act all cutely nervous when you like someone."

you blushed vibrantly.

"so," you began. "i guess we're dating now?"

he smiled.

"i guess we are, sweetheart."

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