one hundred and fifty four: lies without consent

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"i can't get the thought of you two out of my head!" you said, covering your eyes with your hands as tears streamed down your cheeks. "it's like the idea won't go away and i don't know how to stop it!"

he shook his head as morgan tried to calm the parents who were concerned on the staircase. reid reached out gently, grabbing your hands in his as he ran his thumbs over the tops of your hands.

"hey, hey," he said softly as you looked up at him, trying to calm yourself down and you could feel the serenity coming to you just by looking at him. "_____, you know that i would never do anything like that to you. you're mine," he said softly.

you continued to stare at him with teary eyes and teary cheeks. reid took this as a sign that he could move closer, sitting next to you on the couch as he kept your hands in his. your eyes followed his every move.

"what has gotten you so worked up?" he questioned as you let out a shaky sigh. you didn't want to let go of his hands.

"you and," you began, the shake not going unnoticed in your voice. he knew you far too well. "that girl. from the bar that morgan gave your number too."

"what?" he asked, cocking his head like a puppy.

"morgan gave your number to a girl at the bar last night when we went to interview her and a few other witnesses," you said. "she was talking about getting together with you, and how cute you were, and morgan gave her your number."

"______, darling, are you sure?" he asked.

you nodded.

"how could i forget something like that? i watched him write down your number and give it to her. she was so happy afterwards and now i cant stop thinking that she's gonna call or try to find you," you said, beginning to feel yourself getting worked up again.

reid took notice, beginning to gently rub his thumbs over the tops of your hands as you felt yourself calming down once more.

"wait, you said this happened last night? but, _____, last night we didn't interview the people at the bar. the night before we did," he said. "are you sure this wasn't a dream?" he questioned.

"spence, i saw it with my own eyes!" you said a little loudly as he nodded, quietly calming you back down. "i'm sorry," you said softly.

"come here," he said as you, without hesitation, pushed yourself into his hold. he held onto you tightly while he waited for morgan to come back from ushering the parents back upstairs.

"morgan, can we talk?" he asked, feeling your hold on him tighten. "later?"

he nodded, shrugging a little as he went back over to the closed off room he was sleeping in for that night. he looked back down at you as your head was resting against his chest.

he let out a sigh, staring over at morgan's room. he needed to get to the bottom of this- especially seeing how shaken up you were about this.

"morgan," he said, closing the doors quietly behind him as he glanced over at you. it had taken a couple of hours, but he finally was able to get you to relax and sleep. "what the hell?"

"what do you mean?" he asked.

"that's my girlfriend," he said, staring at him as he nodded.

"yeah, and?"

"she said you gave a girl at the bar my phone number?" he asked, trying to get to the bottom of the issue at hand.

morgan nodded.

"i did, but she said it was for the case," he defended.

reid crossed his arms, staring over at morgan.

"okay, look, i think that you should have more options and that's why i gave her your number," morgan confessed.

reid stood up from his leaning position.

"oh my god," he said. "i can't believe you, morgan. "_____ is the first person i've dated that has been perfect for me. she's more than i could've dreamt of having as mine. and you're trying to ruin that? you're intentionally trying to hurt me?"

"look, reid,-" he began, but reid cut him off.

"no, morgan, i can't believe you. i never would've thought that you'd be the one to disapprove of a woman i'm dating," he said. "but here you are. giving out my number without my consent to women that i didn't consent to having it to begin with. you hurt my girlfriend. and you hurt me."

after, he shut the door quietly and walked back over to you where he could tell you weren't sleeping well. he gently took your hand in his as he laid down next to you on the small couch. you sensed he was with you once more after the small touches, causing yourself to move closer to him.

he stared at you sleeping, just admiring you. he could tell you weren't sleeping very well, and it was hurting his heart. he pressed a small, soft kiss to your forehead causing you to let out a small sigh of content.

when you woke up the next morning, you saw reid was still trying to keep himself awake last night as there was a book splayed out on his stomach. you smiled to yourself before recalling the previous night as you felt your heart hurting once more. you sat up, trying to stop thinking about it.

this woke reid up; however, and he closed the book and put it to the side as he focused on you.

"hey, hey, it's okay, you're okay," he said as you nodded, looking up at him. you reached for his hand as he gave it to you willingly. you smiled to yourself, laying your head against his chest.

"was it true?" you questioned.

he nodded.

"yeah," he said softly. "yeah, it was."

you let out a shaky sigh.

"but i love you," you told him softly. "did i do something that made you think-"

he shook his head.

"no, you didn't do anything. morgan," he began. "morgan doesn't believe in us working out, i assume. that's what i picked up from what he told me last night."

you felt your heart breaking at those words.

"sweetheart, you are perfect to me, i will always love you. you do not have to worry about any of this because you're mine and i'm all yours," he said sweetly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as you let out a small sigh.

"thank you, spence," you told him softly.

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