thirty five: stolen phone

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author's note: i'm trying to start writing more but i do need to focus on school and work still so don't expect a ton of updates but hopefully some within a week!!

"hey, ____!" prentiss said as you walked over to the coffee nook where she was standing. 

"hey," you replied, giving her a small smile back in response. "anything new going on in your life?"

"i texted you about it yesterday," she said, furrowing her brows as you took a sip of your drink. "did you not see it?"

you shook your head. "i lost my phone because i haven't seen it since two days ago. i don't know where it is."

prentiss continued to furrow her brows as you waited for her to say something to you. 

"that's weird," she said as you nodded.

"_____, prentiss, we're meeting," j.j. said as you both nodded. 

on the way over to the shelter that you and morgan were assigned to go visit, you were still thinking through everything with your phone. 

"hey, ______, you okay?" morgan said as you nodded, letting out a sigh. 

"i've lost my phone and i don't know where it is," you replied. "and it's worrying me because  i do need to find it."

"garcia has your phone," morgan said suddenly as you looked up at him. "she took it from you when you weren't looking because she was checking to make sure you were being loyal to reid."

you furrowed your brows. 

"why would she be questioning that?" you asked, crossing your arms. "of course i am."

morgan sighed. "she thought she saw you out with another guy about three days ago. she wanted to make sure that you weren't cheating on reid."

you nodded, biting your lip as you looked off to the side. 

"so, garcia stole my phone to make sure that i wasn't cheating on reid. and she's had my phone for like, i don't know, three days now?"

"today is the third day of her having your phone, yes," morgan responded. "_____, she's going through everything."

"why does she need to worry about reid and me?" you asked. "unless she's- oh, no."

you shook your head as you walked up to the shelter as morgan furrowed his brows in confusion. you were mad or jealous or something- he couldn't pin it down. 

during the case, you were avoiding trying to talk to garcia and morgan knew he might've messed up in telling you that she had your phone but you deserved the right to know. reid kept looking at you suspiciously but tried not to ask too many questions. 

he knew that you would come to him when you were ready. 

morgan watched as you ignored a majority of the team right now as you all were going over everything that you had collected so far. he looked over at reid as he saw him staring at you in confusion. he looked back towards morgan before nodding. 

as you were going off to meet someone to gather more information, reid came up to you as you were getting ready to leave. prentiss was also gathering what the two of you needed before leaving. 

"_____, can i talk to you for a minute?" he asked as you looked up at him, nodding. 

the two of you walked over to an empty room as reid shut the door. you took a seat on the table as you avoided his eyes as he stared at you. 

"______," he said softly as you still avoided looking at him. "you have to tell me what's going on," he said to you as you finally looked at him. 

"garcia took my phone," you said, as he furrowed his brows in  response to your statement. "morgan said that she thinks i'm cheating on you."

"why would she think that?" reid asked as he came over to you, looking deep into your eyes as you shrugged. 

"apparently she saw me out with another guy three days ago," you responded softly as your boyfriend was very close to you right now. you started another sentence but stopped when you kept looking up at him. "did you give her my phone? are you worried about me leaving you?"

reid shook his head, sliding his arms to be around your waist as he held you close to him. 

"no," he said. "i'm not worried about that at all. i didn't give garcia your phone and honestly, i don't know why she's wanting you to be caught doing anything at all because-"

"i think she wants us to break up, spence," you muttered, laying your head on his chest as you cleared your throat a little. "i don't know why."

reid tightened his hold on you, causing you to relax within his grasp. 

"i probably should go so we can finish this case," you muttered. "but we need to talk to her when we get back."

when you all got back, you and reid were chatting away as the two of you walked down the hallway from off of the plane while the rest of the team hung out together in a larger group. your hands were intertwined as you two talked about your plans for later that day.

when you saw garcia, you looked up at reid who nodded. 

"we need to talk to her," she said as you nodded. 

"don't let go of my hand please," you said softly as the two of you walked up to where she was standing. 

"garcia, can we talk?" reid asked her as she nodded. 

"do you have my phone? because morgan told me that you stole it from me to make sure  that i wasn't cheating on reid," you muttered. she looked down towards the ground before responding. 

"yes, i do," garcia said. "but it wasn't to make sure that  you weren't cheating on him. it was me checking to see if you had any suspicious activity on your phone."

"garcia," you said softly. 

"okay, fine. i was making sure you weren't cheating on him with kevin. because kevin has been acting really strange lately and i honestly didn't know who else's phone to check because i saw you out with a guy about three days ago and i wasn't sure if that was him or not," she said. 

 "garcia, i was out with spence," you responded. "i don't know how you couldn't notice that at all. and the fact that we've been together for four and a half years means that i would never cheat on him."

reid smiled to himself as you finished your sentence. 

"garica, just talk to kevin if you think you are having issues," you told her before seeing her handing back your phone as you took it from her. you nodded at her before leaving with reid as garcia watched the two of you walk off.

you smiled to yourself as you tightened your hold on reid's hand as the two of you walked out of the office. 

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