eighteen: needy angel

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"i'm exhausted," reid said as he took a seat on your bed as he laid back on the pillows while looking over at you as you finished cleaning up everything from takeout. you came back over to him after finishing cleaning as you climbed onto the bed and sat down next to him.

he looked over at you as you blushed heavily, having to look away because of it.

"what's up with you, sweetheart?" he asked, letting out a small sigh.

"your eyes," you told him as you looked back at him. "it's like, you could give me the simplest look and i'd lose every thought i once had in my mind because of you."

he smiled at you, laughing a little before leaning over and laying against your chest as you held onto him, keeping him close to you.

"you needy, needy man," you told him softly, running your fingers through his hair gently.

"how could i not be needy when it's you we're talking about?" he asked. "you're my favorite person."

you chuckled softly to yourself.

"i love you too, spence," you told him sweetly. "but you know you can't always wear yourself out this much."

"i needed to help us find the killer and we did," he told you. "plus, this will give me an excuse now to have you the rest if the night."

you smiled.

"you better protect me then, spence," you told him.

"always, angel."

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