twenty: risky life decisions

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"here, take my gun," reid said as he pushed it into your hands as you looked up at him in disbelief.

"spence," you said as you looked up at him as he took the gun out of its holster. he put it into your hands as you looked down to see it. you looked back up at him. "spence, no."

"i can take care of this," he said. "i've got it."

you shook your head, trying to get him to understand what you were saying.

"spence, you're going to-"

he pressed a brief kiss to your lips before giving you a smile as he walked out into the street where he held up his hands and began talking with the kid. you put up your gun as you held reid's tightly in your hand.

prentiss came over and joined you.

"what the hell is he doing?" she asked.

you felt some fearful tears come to the surface as you stared out at your boyfriend.

"he's putting his life at risk," you muttered.

as you were walking through the hallway to get to your desk in order to drop some things off before going home, you heard some feet running towards you as you turned around to be met by reid.

"_____," he said your name which sounded so sweet in his mouth as you stared up at him, waiting for him to continue. "i know that you're upset-" he began.

"you could've been killed, spence. what am i going to do if you aren't here?" you asked him sweetly, staring up into his soft brown eyes. "i don't think that's so safe."

he nodded. "i know, i know it wasn't but i understand how he feels. i know exactly what it's like to want to forget."

you nodded.

"i know, honey, i know. and i'm so sorry about what happened to you because why," you began walking closer to him as you kept eye contact. "why would someone want to hurt someone as sweet as you? but you can't jeopardize your life like that because of i had lost you, i wouldn't of known what to do with myself."

reid nodded, pressing a kiss to your forehead as you closed your eyes and got closer to him.

"i love you," he said softly as you let out a sigh and held onto him tightly.

"i love you too, spence," you responded.

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