one hundred and twenty four: absolute best

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"reid, it's four in the morning. what are you doing?"

he looked down at you from the hotel's hallway before speaking up.

"something is going on with you," he muttered. "i think we should talk about it."

he walked into your room as you sighed, shutting the door and locking it before turning around and going to sit over on the bed.

reid was leaning against a dresser of some sort as he stared at you while you crossed your legs into a criss cross type look.

"could this not have waited until, maybe, tomorrow? when we're going to, hopefully, be done with this case?" you asked, yawning slightly as you sleepily looked up at him.

he shook his head.

"______, you're acting all strange. i just want to know what's going on with you. you're acting like something is following you."

you shifted uncomfortably as you looked out the window to avoid looking at reid.

"that's because something is," he muttered, suddenly understanding. "you're being stalked."

you took a shaky inhale, looking down towards your crossed legs before looking back out the window, still trying to avoid his gaze.

he came over and took a seat next to you on the bed as you slowly looked up at him.

"hey," he said softly as you continued to look at him. "why didn't you tell any of us?"

"because," you muttered. "there isn't anything you guys can do. even you, spence."

he shook his head, glancing down towards your hand as he hesitantly intertwined his hand with yours. you continued to look at him.

"how do you know?"

"because he's," you swallowed lightly before looking down towards your hands. your heart beat had sped up a little bit from the connection. "he's everywhere, reid. i really don't know why or how he managed to do that, but he did."

"i can help you," he said softly, moving slightly closer to you.

"spence, i'm not trying to be mean when i say this," you began. "but you aren't the type of guy who i'd have with me as a bodyguard."

you hesitantly looked up at him as he just smiled at you.

"but i'm the smartest man you've ever met," he replied. "you've said that phrase two hundred and twelve times."

"why do you keep track of something like that?" you asked, laughing a little.

"because it's fun to know how you think about me," he replied as you blushed a little, laying your head down on his shoulder.

you two weren't dating, but after this night, it seemed sort of confirmed that you two were going to be a thing now.

"we just need to get through this case, spence," you said softly, closing your eyes as you began go quickly fall asleep on his shoulder.

reid nodded, looking down at you as he saw your eyes were closed and you seemed exhausted. after all, it was four in the morning.

"goodnight, _______. i will do my absolute best to protect you."

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