one hundred and thirty: determined

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author's note: hey, y'all! so sorry for absolutely no updates but i honestly needed a break from  writing just in general. i'm always checking my profile but being able to promote music or my friend's small businesses on this platform was definitely more important to me than writing right now. my brain gets worn out with constantly having to think of ideas and so, taking a break is so important so that i don't get burnt out. i hope you all understand! love you all! 

"i thought you knew what that meant," you said, looking up at your boyfriend with tears in your eyes as you tried not to let it all fall out. "i guess not." 

you grabbed your jacket and walked out of his apartment as he started to go after you. 

"_____, please! give me another chance to make this right!" he said, grabbing your wrist in his hold. you shook your head, turning around and trying to take your wrist out of his hand. 

"let me go," you told him. "i've already given you multiple chances and you blew them all." 

"______, come on. you know me. you know that this is just what i do," he replied as you felt the burning choking feeling on your throat again that meant you were near a breaking down sobbing moment. 

"if cheating on me over and over again is just what you do," you began. "then i don't want to deal with it anymore."

you pulled your wrist out of his hold as you turned around and walked to the elevator as you felt yourself begin to cry when entering the elevator. your phone soon began ringing as you tried to straighten yourself up enough to talk to whoever it was. 

"agent _____," you said, evidently crying earlier. "i'll be right there."

when you  arrived at the bau, you walked in and tried to clear your mind of everything that had just happened. you had been dating ricky for two years and in those two years, you really wore yourself out. all he did was want you there for looks but, he said he loved you. it was a confusing cycle that you felt you couldn't escape until now.

when you got to the conference room, you walked in as you wiped your eyes somewhat subtly as the team sort of exchanged glances between each other as you sat down and opened the file. 

"three women were murdered in south carolina six days ago," garcia said as she began to explain the case to the team. reid couldn't help but keep his focus on you. he cared about you so much and he knew something bad had happened to you. he just knew it deep down.

when you were walking to the jet, reid stopped you in the hallway as he put a gentle hand on your shoulder. you tensed up instantly as he removed his hand, trying to be careful with you. he didn't truly know anything that happened between closed doors with you and your now ex-boyfriend. 

"______," he began as you bit your lip while staring off into an office that was vacant at the moment. "what happened? i know something did or else you wouldn't be acting so closed off."

"i, uh," you began, glancing up at him momentarily before shifting uncomfortably on your feet. 

people passed the two of you as you started to just walk off but reid grabbed your wrist in his hand gently, however; this caused you to yank it out of his hold as you felt tears coming to your eyes once more. 

"what did he do to you?" he asked.

you didn't want to look at him. in fact, you didn't want to look at anyone. you paused for a moment with your back facing him before walking away towards the jet. reid watched you go in confusion before following you briskly. 

"______, please," he began as he caught up to you fairly quickly. you tensed up before finally turning around to face him with tears in your eyes as you looked up at him. 

"we broke up," you told him truthfully. 

reid got silent for a moment as he stared at you in disbelief but also relief. he wanted you to get out of that toxic relationship so badly and for so long, and you were finally out of it. however, he knew that it was still a breakup and it would take time to heal from. 

"i'm sorry, _____," he said. 

you shifted your lips to the side momentarily before looking back up at him for the briefest glance. 

"i knew it would happen eventually. it was just a matter of time before i snapped," you muttered. "i mean, how many times can one guy cheat on a girl. i'm a fool for sticking with him for so long and thinking that he was going to change." 

reid tried to reach out and grab your hand gently in his but, you pulled it away purely because of what your ex had done to you. you sheepishly put it back down as you bit your lip. 

"sorry," you said softly. "it's just going to take some time for me to be comfortable with a lot of things again, reid. i can't stop thinking about him sleeping with other women and having his hands on them but then coming home to me and-" you stopped speaking, taking a deep breath as you looked down at your watch, trying to hide the fact that you were about to start crying. "we have to go," you muttered out, trying to hide the fact that you were crying. 

"_____, you didn't deserve that," reid said as he walked with you.

"reid, we don't need to talk abou-" you began.

"no, _____," he began as he stopped you. "we need to talk about it so that you can let it out of your system."

you shook your head. 

"i already told you what happened," you muttered.

"______," he said, causing you to look up at him. "you have to trust me."

you felt more tears coming to your eyes. 

"we have a case, reid," you muttered, walking away from him and walking towards the jet. 

reid watched you go. he knew you would learn to trust him again. you only lost your trust because of what ricky had done to you. he was going to earn that trust back again.

he was determined to. 

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