one hundred and thirty one: sister (part seven)

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author's note: finally writing the next part to this series also!

waking up the next morning, you found multiple different texts from your sister, morgan, garcia, reid, and prentiss. you sat up, realizing you had fallen asleep on the couch and you assumed spence had left earlier to get home. you instantly picked up your phone to go through the different messages.

you called reid as soon as you were done reading through them.

"spence, hey," you began, running a hand through your hair as you got up and straightened up the couch. you drank the last bit of wine that was in your glass before taking it to the kitchen. you went to your room to get dressed to get ready for the case as you talked with him. "is morgan okay?" 

"i'm not so sure, babe," he muttered back. "he's been acting weird all morning and saying that he will only talk to you."

"the messages he sent me said nothing like that," you replied in confusion. "spence, what is happening over there?"

he got silent for a moment. "just try and get here soon, okay?"

you hung up the call, getting dressed and ready before leaving to get to the bau.

upon arriving, you walked in to see your sister and morgan having an argument in the center of the room which is somewhat what everyone was telling you through the texts. you started to walk over to them but reid took your hand  in his as he pulled you back to him. 

"they're getting heated, ______," he muttered. "i wouldn't involve myself." 

"but, spence-" you began but he shook his head.

"______, darling, trust me." 

you nodded, watching as they kept the argument going but you shook your head. you needed to stop this madness that was occurring. 

"morgan!" you shouted, getting out of reid's grasp as you walked over to the two people you both loved. "what is all of this commotion!"

"your sister finally admitted to it! she finally admitted to the fact that she loves him!"

your sister nodded, looking over at your boyfriend.

"i did, because it was time! he needed to know the truth from me and i just couldn't keep it in any longer!" she said, looking over at your boyfriend with love in her eyes.

"okay, look, bethany," you began. "you can't date reid. he's my boyfriend. i'm glad you finally admitted it but that doesn't change anything between me and spence."

you turned to face morgan now.

"and morgan," you said, feeling your heart breaking at the next sentence you were about to say. you hated saying the facts and truth out loud. "i tried to tell you." 

when you were done speaking, the room was looking at you. your sister was still focused in on your boyfriend as reid shifted uncomfortably before walking off to the bathroom. 

"i'm sorry," you told morgan softly. "and bethany, please go home. please try and get some sleep and handle this in a healthy way. call or text me if you need something, anything." 

your sister nodded, giving you a brief hug before leaving. as she passed by reid, who had come  back out, and while you weren't looking and were beginning to talk to morgan, she smiled up at him. 

"reid, you know you can do better than her still," she muttered, trying to take his hand but he took it out of her reach as he stepped back. 

"you should go," he said softly as you turned around to see what was going on.

"are you kidding me," you said to her. "you have to go, bethany. stop trying to make moves on my girlfriend when you could just as easily go home and deal with your breakup."

you searched her eyes for a moment before she humphed and turned around to go home. you took reid's hand in yours as you let out a sigh. 

"let's go get the case solved," you said to him as everyone else began following. 

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