one hundred and thirty five: maybe a baby (part two)

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it had been a week since your missed period and you had gone to  the store that night to pick up a pregnancy test. reid wasn't coming over tonight because he had plans with morgan that night. so, you were alone to figure out the news of if you were pregnant or not. 

you got home and took the test, scared to see the results of it. not that you didn't want kids, but you weren't ready for that right now. you and him thought you were both being careful, but maybe something accidentally happened. you were sort of hoping that you were pregnant just so that you could have a child, but you also didn't want one. you didn't have the time for a baby. 

after a few minutes of stomach twisting waiting, you checked on the test.

"i don't know if she's coming or not, she hasn't called me back," garcia told hotch as everyone sat the round table, waiting for you to come into work. hotch looked over towards the open door as you came inside, getting to your seat without saying a word. 

"_____, everything okay?" hotch asked as garcia and morgan looked over at you. 

you nodded. "yessir, everything is fine." 

garcia and morgan exchanged glances as reid looked over at you in slight concern before seeing garcia and morgan making glances with each other. he furrowed his brows in confusion as he looked back over at you.

j.j. went on with explaining the case as three of the people in the room kept glancing at you.

garcia came up to you while you were standing at the coffee area as she cleared her throat gently, trying not to scare you by coming up to you so quickly without saying your name. 

"so," she said, watching to see your reaction. "are you?"

you pulled out the pregnancy test that you had wrapped up in the bag you had bought it in as you showed her. you didn't want anyone to touch it because of sanitary issues, but you would show her. you did come to her, and she did deserve to know just like reid.

"oh my god, ______," she said, looking over at you to see some tears in your eyes. "isn't this a good thing?" 

while on the jet, morgan was sitting with garcia and reid as they were all talking together before reid questioned them about this morning. 

"why were you guys staring at ______ all this morning? is something wrong?" 

garcia knew what was happening and had told morgan, but they were waiting for you to tell reid.

"maybe you should just go talk to her," garcia said, looking over at you before making eye contact with reid once more. 

he nodded, standing up and walking over to where you were as he took a seat in front of you. you looked away from the windows, seeing him sitting in front of you.

"______, what's going on?" 

you stayed quiet, looking at him before looking away once more.

"why did you tell morgan and garcia but not me?" he asked gently, leaning forward a little bit. 

"morgan knows?" you asked, confused as to how before realizing he was with garcia. "oh."

"what do they know that i don't ______?" he asked as you looked back at him, letting out a sigh as you leaned forward slightly. 

"i missed my period about a week ago," you told him. "and i thought it was just late, but i wasn't one hundred percent sure so, i took a pregnancy test."

reid raised his eyebrows in response to this.


you bit your lip a little more harsh before responding.

"it was positive," you said softly, tears brimming. 

reid sat back in his seat as he tried to muster up the words to say to you but for once, he had absolutely nothing to say. he wasn't sure of what to say to make this situation better at all- if he could even do that.

"what am i going to do, spence?" you asked, wiping away a falling tear as you looked back out the window. "we're not ready to be parents." 

he took a minute to sit there, thinking about what had happened.

"i'm sorry," he said softly as you looked up at him. "i never wanted to make you feel this way or have to worry or panic about your future."

you shook your head. 

"we'll find a way through this together," you told him, reaching for his hands as he gave them to you. when he met your eyes finally, he saw the fear in them as he looked away once more.

"i can see how scared you are, _____," he told you.

you looked down to his hands as you sighed.

"i'm trying to conceal it," you muttered. "but this is scarier than anything i've gone through. i'm just not ready or prepared and i thought we were being careful."

"i know, i know, i'm sorry," he said softly, nodding his head before letting out a sigh. "what i do know is that i'm going to take care of you. no matter what."

you gave him a brief, somewhat sad and scared smile.

"i love you, spence," you told him softly. 

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