one hundred and sixty two: christmas karaoke

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author's note: sorry for a break!! i went to disney & then i' r been having some mental things going on, but i'm getting a little better!! anyways, a christmas update now :)

you had to go into work early that morning, being worn out from the previous day's work. when you were finally done with your shift, you needed to get some sort of coffee to wake yourself up. and so when you headed to the closest coffee shop, you pulled out your phone to see the time before getting your order and heading to the bau for yet another shift of paperwork.

"i'm telling you, ma'am, i already filed the case. i also handed the case to the director this morning when i came in," you told strauss. she furrowed her brows at you, not necessarily angrily but sternly.

"but, _____, i told you to submit the files to me."

you ran a hand through your hair, looking over at the stack of cases you had to sort through still.

"but the director came to me this morning and asked me for them. he said that unless i was given other orders, i submit all cases back to him," you explained as she shook her head.

"next time, submit it to me," she said before walking out of your office as you sat down in your chair and grabbed another case to go over.

"______?" you heard garcia's voice from outside the door as you nodded, telling her to come in. "you okay?" she asked as you nodded, leaning back in your chair as you let out a sigh.

"strauss is just, she's pushing me past director's orders," you muttered, looking at the picture frame on your desk that had a photo of you and reid last christmas at a christmas party.

you had made him do karaoke with you and garcia. prentiss then joined in and dragged morgan along with her. it was such a fun day for everyone, especially for you.

"i don't know, i think it's just the holidays," you said back, picking up your coffee as you looked up at her. she was looking at you in concern. "i'm fine, garcia."

she nodded. "okay, i just want to be sure."

you nodded, taking a sip of your drink before continuing with the papers, but she stopped you once more as you looked back up at her.

"_____?" she asked as you nodded. "go home, i'll ask j.j. to help me with these."

you began to decline but garcia shook her head.

"i'm asking from friend to friend that you go home. you need to, you've been here longer than everyone."

you sighed, looking over at the stack.

"like i said, i'll get j.j. to help me with them. it'll be fine, _____. go home," she said as you sighed.

"okay," you responded, grabbing your bag, jacket, and then coffee as you began to walk out of the bau to go home.

when you got to his apartment door, you searched for your key as you unlocked it and set your jacket and scarf down on the chair next to the door. you let out a sigh, setting your keys in the bowl on the table next to the chair.

when you walked to the kitchen to get a snack of some kind, you felt someone picking you up as you let out a little scream.

"it's just me!" he said, laughing as you shook your head, feeling your feet back on the ground again as you turned around to face him.

you smiled up at him, punching him in the shoulder as you shook your head.

"oh my god, spence! you scared the shit out of me!" you said as he smiled down at you.

"aw, well," he began, running his forefinger down your jawline. "will this make up for it?"

he leaned down, pressing his lips to yours as you stood on your tiptoes to get closer to him.

when he let go, you smiled.

"yeah, it did," you responded. reid smiled back at you before asking you where you had gone as you responded. "work, remember? i had some cases to finish on."

"_____, you left me? for cases?" he said jokingly as you smiled up at him.

"yeah, pretty much," you said back as he laughed, grabbing your hand as he pulled you to the couch before he fully embraced you and kept you close to him.

"spence, what's up?" you asked.

"what? i'm not allowed to cuddle with my girlfriend who definitely thinks that her boyfriend is more important than cases?" he said, pressing a kiss to your cheek as you smiled.

"okay, okay, you got me," you said as you nestled your head under his chin. "oh, what are our plans for this coming christmas party?" you asked.

"well," he began, keeping you close. "i was thinking of going back to rossi's house and having something there. he mentioned how it would be a good place to have a party, so i could ask him about that."

you nodded. "that's probably a good idea. it's large enough for that. but you'll have to do karaoke with me again."

reid sighed, pressing yet another kiss to your cheek before responding.

"anything for you, angel. merry christmas," he muttered, planting one more gentle kiss on your cheek as you smiled.

"merry christmas, spence."

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