one hundred and thirty six: maybe a baby (part three)

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"are we going to tell the team?" reid asked you as you both were working on sorting through evidence. you didn't answer, feeling sick to your stomach before excusing yourself to go to the bathroom as reid sighed to himself. 

morgan walked over to him.

"congratulations," he told him, picking up where you left off. 

"is it something to congratulate me on? i got her pregnant and she's seeming not to want to have the baby and i feel awful for doing it," he muttered. "i never wanted to cause her any pain."

morgan shook his head.

"and you didn't. this will bring you guys closer together," he replied.

"and what if it doesn't, morgan? what if she gets freaked out about it and leaves me or what if i leave her because i can't handle it. my parents got divorced so what if-"

"hey," morgan interrupted him. "you aren't your dad. you will be better than he ever was to you, reid. she needs you right now more than ever before, so you need to be there for her."

he nodded, seeing you coming out of the bathroom clearly having had morning sickness. you looked weak and slightly paler. reid thought it was maybe worry and morning sickness mixed together to form one. 

he felt awful.

 "can i be excused, hotch? i just need to go take care of something." 

he nodded, watching as you walked away, walking to a separate room as reid and the team finished up the profile. when they finished explaining it, reid exited to go find you.

you were sitting in a random room that was off to the side as he softly knocked before entering.

"_____?" he said softly but you didn't look up at him. you were still looking down to the ground, not wanting to look up. "hey, everything okay?" he asked gently.

"yeah, yeah," you muttered. "it's just the mood swings, i think." 

reid squatted down in front of you as you avoided his consistent stare. he gently grabbed your hand, holding onto it tightly as you bit your lip in nerves, the anxious habit you had.

"we will get through this together," he said sweetly as you finally looked at him. 

"spence," you muttered. "we aren't ready to be parents. we only have nine months to figure this out."

there was silence between the two of you before you finally spoke up again. 

"what am i going to tell my mom?" you asked, looking back down towards your shoes as reid gently rubbed his thumb over your cheek, trying to keep you calm. "she was always telling me to be careful since she got pregnant with me at such a young age. and look what i went and did."

"you have to trust me, ______," reid said as you looked back at him, nodding slowly as he wiped a tear rolling down your cheek. 

"okay," you said softly, standing up as you and him both exited the room to go meet back up with the team.

"everything okay, ______?" hotch asked, noticing how you had been crying earlier. you wiped away your tears, nodding hesitantly before walking over to where j.j. was as you helped her out with some of the evidence that had been compiled. 

"hotch, can i talk to you?" reid asked as he nodded. "in private?"

they both exited the room, going to talk, while you let out a shaky sigh. 

"is everything okay, reid?" hotch asked as he glanced back over to see you standing with the team as they went over collected evidence. 

"what did you do when you and hailey were expecting?" he asked as hotch gave him a questioning look, confused to the question. reid kept glancing over at you. 

"are you expecting a baby?" he asked.

reid looked back at him before responding. 

"i got ______ pregnant," he muttered. 

hotch looked over at you before meeting reid's eye contact once more. 

"you have to support her, reid. build her trust more and more everyday until it's unbreakable, but i'm sure she already trusts you plenty." 

"we've only been dating for five months," he muttered. "we're still building on that level of trust."

"but, reid, you have to understand that ______ is a very trusting person," he replied as reid looked back over at you. you were working with prentiss now on building a timeline.

"she's so worried," he told him. "she doesn't know what to do."

"i can't help _______," hotch said. "but i can give you whatever advice you need. j.j. has a child, so _____ might talk to her about it all. but reid, you have to be there for her and support her no matter what happens." 

reid nodded, looking back out to you.

when you got home that night, you were already feeling sick again when you heard a knock on your door. you looked through the peep hole before unlocking and opening the door. 

"spence?" you asked, softly. 

"i'm here to tell you that i will support you no matter what," he said without hesitation. you looked up at him after shutting the door. "i love you, ______, i don't care if we've only been together for five months. you mean so much to me," he continued. "we've known each other longer as friends than lovers, but that won't change how much i love you."

you smiled sweetly at him, wiping away the tears forming in your eyes as you wrapped your arms around him, holding him closely. 

"thank you, spence."

he nodded, pressing a brief kiss to the side of your head before bringing you closer to him once more. you held onto him tightly, not wanting to let go.

"have you been feeling okay?" he asked softly.

"morning sickness at random moments of the day and mood swings are the biggest issues i'm having," you told him. 

"i can't wait to find out the gender," reid said softly, holding onto you tightly. 

"reid, we have about seventeen more weeks before we can find that out," you said, laughing a little while a tear rolled down your cheek. you were still crying, but now you were happily crying. reid was supporting you no matter what- that's what you needed. unconditional love and support from the man you loved. 

"i know," he said. "but i'm just so excited."

you let go of him, smiling up at him as he brushed some of the hair away from your face. 

"when do we tell the team?" you asked.

"when we go to our first ultrasound," he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "______, you are going to be the most beautiful, incredible mother."

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