one hundred and fifty six: understanding affections

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after catching the killer, and learning how they accomplished it, you waited up for reid to get home to you and as soon as he walked in the door, you got up and walked to the kitchen for avoidance.

of course you were proud of him- you always were. but it still didn't help the fact that even though it was for the job, it still felt like a little twinge of jealousy was building in the pit of your stomach every time a female serial killer was involved in the catching and your boyfriend had to go in to take the woman away.

he noticed this, setting down his bag on the chair near his front door to the apartment as he walked over to the kitchen to see what caused your behavior.

"______?" he said as he walked in, seeing you staring out one of the small windows inside the kitchen. you didn't turn around to look at him, but you set your cup of tea down on the counter.

"j.j. called me," you said softly as reid leaned against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared over at the back of you. he was internally begging for you to turn around so that he could see your face. "she told me what you did."

"what do you mean? what i did?" he asked.

you turned around, looking everywhere but his eyes that were pleading for you to make contact with them. he sat up a little, still confused.

"you stopped her," you muttered. "but you kissed her hand, and you called her the most beautiful girl you've ever seen," you said softly. he could hear the hurt in your voice, it was apparent. he knew that you understood sometimes what his job required of him, but he also understood that it could still make you feel the feelings he never wanted you to.

"oh, ______," he said softly, walking closer to you as you shook your head, staring down towards the ground. "doll, i would never, ever do anything such as that unless it were to catch a killer. you are my world, the most beautiful person i've ever laid eyes on."

you still didn't look up at him, so in the dim lighting from the moon outside, he tilted your head back up to look at him as he saw the small glow of soft lighting illuminate the side of your face. your eyes were glistening as he stared down at you.

"why would i ever make you feel that way on purpose?" he questioned as you continued to stare up at him. "i know that you understand it's my job, but i hate how it makes you feel after the fact."

you nodded slowly, looking away towards the front door to his apartment as you let out a shaky sigh before pushing past him gently and walking towards the main living space.

reid was quick to follow.

"hey, hey, baby, come here," he said, watching as you were walking towards the bedroom now, but stopped when he told you that. you were standing in the doorway, not moving as you stared over at his bed.

he walked over to you, pulling you close to him as he nestled his head into the crook of your neck. you gently put your hands on his arms that were around your stomach to keep you close.

"you know i love you," he said softly, pressing a soft kiss to your neck. you nodded, tightening your hold on him. "and you know that i would never intentionally hurt you."

you nodded once again, still keeping your hold tight on his arms.

"and my kisses will only go to you," he muttered softly, keeping you close to him. "and my words of affection are only for you."

you smiled to yourself, and reid could sense it.

"are you okay now?" he questioned gently as you turned around to look at him before wrapping your arms around him. you kept him close as you let out a content sigh.

"yeah," you said softly. "i'm okay, spence."

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