one hundred and forty three: babysitter

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"you okay?" morgan asked as you sat back in your desk chair. you looked over at him before focusing back on the many crossed out phone numbers on your little folded sheet of paper. you let out a heavy sigh, putting a hand to your head before responding.

"i can't find a babysitter for tomorrow," you muttered. "i've called twelve people and somehow, no one can take care of sadie. i just need a break to be with spence for just a night. that's all i want."

morgan leaned back in his chair as he began to answer.

"garcia and i could do it," he said.

you looked over at him, sitting up a little as you furrowed your brows.

"really? you?"

he laughed, setting down the paper and pen he was holding as you leaned back in your chair once more. 

"yeah! i mean, i'm great with kids and sadie and garcia have some sort of bond over pink hair stripes," he explained. "why wouldn't we do it? besides, it's for you and reid. i don't find a bad reason to not do it."

you let out a sigh, thinking it over as you looked back over at the many crossed out phone numbers. looking back up at him, you saw him looking over at you hopefully still.

"okay," you told him. "but no weird talking tos about women or men or anyone. i'm not trying to give sadie any ideas when she's not even a teenager yet."

"she'll be thirteen in four months, _______."

"she's my child, morgan," you responded. "i'll get you all the information that you need to know later today. i won't need you over until around six thirty most likely."

morgan nodded, giving you a smile as you sat back in your chair.

"thank god for you, derek morgan," you muttered, shutting your eyes for a moment.

"sadie!" you called, watching as she came downstairs. you gave her a smile, squatting down to get closer to her height level. "we'll be gone for a few hours, but morgan and garcia will be here. and yes, i know, you're almost thirteen, but at your age, i nearly burnt the house down. so, they're here to keep any dangerous fires from starting."

sadie nodded, giving you a small smile. 

"what are you and dad going to be doing?" she asked as reid came out from your shared bedroom. you rubbed her arms briefly before responding.

"just," you began, thinking through your sentence phrasing. "hanging out."

you stood up as reid checked his watch before hearing a knock on the door.

it was  morgan and garcia.

"thank god," you said, giving them both a smile as you grabbed reid's hand in yours. you pulled him close as sadie and garcia went off to the den to watch television and talk. morgan looked at you and smiled.

"_______, i'll be sure to take care of her and garcia," he said as you nodded, smiling up at him.

"thanks again," you told him. "you ready, spence?"

he nodded, looking back down at you in complete awe. 

"alright, we'll be back in a few hours," you told morgan, thanking him again as you gave him a brief hug before you and spence left the apartment, talking about the upcoming night.

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