one hundred and ninety six: eloped

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author's note: getting so close! i cant have 200 chapters in this book (not with titling at least) so the book will read with about 197/198 chapters! (which tbh is still pretty impressive that i've written nearly 400 imagines just based on one character).

on the plane ride home from a case, rossi was explaining about his past marriages and basically to not elope as his last wedding was an eloped one in vegas and ended in poorly made decisions and an unnecessary divorce.

when he brought up the idea of not eloping, and how good of an idea it was too, you and reid exchanged glances from beside each other.

morgan took notice as he spoke up.

"what about you two?" he questioned. "when are you finally getting married? you've been engaged for about six months now," he said, taking note of your ring.

you cleared your throat, your eyes meeting reid's.

"actually, rossi, it's funny that you talk about not eloping because that's what we did," you said, ending the sentence mildly soft.

rossi sat back, shaking his head while laughing in disbelief. morgan was truly shocked- and hitch knew all along. he had given you both the time off to go away and get married.

"what? when?" morgan questioned.

"a month, fourteen days, and twelve hours ago," reid said. "but not to be exact."

"oh yeah, not to be exact or anything, coming at me with the months, days, and hours, okay, kid," morgan muttered, laughing at the end of his sentence. "where did you two go?"

"montana," you said, keeping your hand in reid's as his other hand held the book.

"wow, so far away," morgan muttered.

"yeah, well, we figured it would be better to spend our money on an elopement where we can have it anywhere and not worry about guests lists and all," reid responded. "in fact, statistically speaking-"

"honey, they're already baffled that we got eloped. lets save the statistics for another conversation," you told reid, giving him a bright smile before looking towards morgan.

"i cannot believe you two. you got eloped. in montana. and just never talked about how you've been married for over a month?" morgan inquired, completely baffled.

you nodded, smiling back over at reid.

"it was the best decision i ever made," you admitted as reid pressed a brief kiss to the side of your head.

"like i said, morgan, do not elope," rossi reiterated as everybody laughed on the jet.

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