thirty three: meeting the team (part two)

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"yeah, so, i'm standing there and waiting for the guy to stop talking to me but he won't. so, i ended up just walking away and not getting the rest of the story because he kept talking to me about the unnecessary details and i wanted to go talk to a girl i saw across the bar," morgan said as he took a sip of his drink as rossi was cooking in the kitchen while everyone was listening to morgan's story as they all gave their own comments.

you and reid had now walked up to the house and you were nervous yet excited to meet the team.

reid looked at the door before turning back to face you.

"okay, so," he began. "remember that these people have known that i have been talking to someone for over six months because i can't stay quiet about you and while three of them know about you, the other three do not."

you nodded. "spence, everything will be fine. it will all be okay."

"yeah, yeah," he said, trying to calm his nerves. he was simply nervous because he was about to introduce the team he worked with everyday to you- the love of his life.

you gave him another smile, walking up to the door, opening it, and walking inside before reid.

when you walked into the main room, morgan turned and saw you after garcia got excited to see you again.

"i didn't know you were coming, _____!" she said as she came up and gave you a huge hug as you smiled, laughing a little as prentiss looked over at you.

"oh, you're the girl that reid has been talking about everyday," she said with a smile as you nodded. reid awkwardly walked in from behind as he came up behind you and stood close to you.

you felt reid's hand moving around your waist as you felt yourself being pulled closer to him. his arms were soon wrapped tightly around your waist as your hands rested themselves on his.

"yeah, i'm the girl," you told her with a smile as reid kept his head against the side of yours. prentiss smiled at the two of you.

"i have never seen anything like this," she said as you cocked your head in confusion as reid kept you close to him. "i mean, reid. i've never heard of him talk about a girl so much and so in love before."

you smiled to yourself, looking down before clearing your throat.

"spence, can i talk to you for a minute? in private?" you asked as you looked back up and felt his hands and arms leave from around your body. prentiss nodded, walking off as you pushed him gently in the next room over.

when you got inside, you shut the door and looked up at him.

"is everything okay?" you asked him. "because i know that whenever you get all grabby, usually something is bothering you."

he bit his lip gently as he looked away before making eye contact with you once more.

"_____, i love you so, so much. you know that i do," he said. "but i feel so weird introducing you to the team i've worked with for so many years."

"what are you saying?" you asked, crossing your arms as you leaned against the door while reid let out a sigh.

"i'm saying that i'm not sure how to feel about it all," he replied.

"spence, we've been dating for six months. if you can't introduce me to your team, how are you going to introduce me to your mom?" you asked as he walked over to you.

"hey, hey," he said softly as you looked up at him. "everything is going to be okay, i will figure it all out."

"but what if you don't figure it out," you told him. "what if you're embarrassed to-"

reid grew tired of the nonsense talking as he shook his head and pressed his lips to yours as you shut up and leaned into the door. your hand was reaching for something to grab onto but it landed on the doorknob as it opened, causing you to nearly fall.

"what the hell were you two doing in there?" morgan asked as rossi came over to see what was going on.

"reid, you better not be messing up anything in my mansion," he said, pointing the tongs towards him as you stayed facing away from them, looking down towards your shoes.

"you know what," you said. "i'm gonna go. i'll see you at the apartment, spence." you said, giving him a little smile as he watched you walk out of the house.

he let out a sigh, watching the door as he waited for you.

garcia gave him a sad smile.

"is everything okay?" she asked.

"i'm not sure why but," he said. "i'm not embarrassed of her but i'm just scared and, i don't know why."

morgan shook his head.

"it's because she's your first girlfriend, kid," he explained. "of course you're intimidated by her. i mean, reid, she's one hell of a woman. she somehow managed to get you attached."

"because she's the most incredible woman i know," reid said as he looked up at morgan. "i need to go find her."

he turned around and quickly walked out the door and began walking down the street as he soon reached some of the nicer mansions. you were standing outside of one, on a call with your mom before seeing reid approaching and hanging up.

"hey, is-"

"i'm intimidated by you."

you stopped speaking and raised your eyebrows.


"you are the most beautiful, most intelligent, most incredible woman i have ever and will ever know and thss as t intimidates me so much because i used to be so smart and now everytime i walk into a room with you, all i can think about is how incredibly smart you are."

you smiled at him sweetly before looking down.

"spence," you began. "look, i'm not that special. i mean, when we first met- i was already admiring you from a distance before you came up to me and started talking. you had my heart before you knew you did."

he smiled back at you, pulling you close to him as he pressed his lips to yours. you smiled into it.

"how about we go back to rossi's and this time, i do a proper introduction," he said as you smiled at him, pulling him into a hug as you held onto him tightly.

"i'd like that."

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