one hundred and eighty seven: little world

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your alarm went off around four in the morning, causing you to shift slightly as the buzzing started to wake you up from your sleep. you turned over to the other side of the bed, turning the alarm off as you sat up. your legs hung over the side of the bed as you looked back over your shoulder to see reid was still asleep, his hand laying on his chest and his other one flat on the bed where you were originally sleeping. 

you let out a sigh, getting up and going to the bathroom in his apartment to brush your hair and take a shower. once you got out of the shower, you dried your hair and put on makeup, checking the time to see it was five o'clock now. you heard a noise from outside of the bathroom and, assuming it was reid, you quickly put on your sweatpants once more and the large t-shirt you were wearing and headed out to go see him. 

you saw the bed was empty when you walked out of the bathroom, so you went to the kitchen and found him standing in there and getting a cup of coffee ready for you.

"why are you awake?" you asked him softly as to not startle him.  he turned around from the window he was looking at to see you. 

"because you're awake," he replied, coming over and pulling you into a gentle hug, causing you to smile as you closed your eyes in the comfort that you were surrounded by. 

"you don't have to be awake though," you responded as he shook his head. 

"i know i don't, but i'd prefer to see you before i have to go to work anyways."

you smiled to yourself, tightening your hold on him before the coffee pot beeped to let you two know that the coffee was ready. 

you both let go of each other as you watched him fix yours and his cup of coffee before he walked back over to you, handing you the cup. you thanked him, looking back up at him as he stared down at the drink. 

it was mornings like these that you enjoyed the most. the serenity of the quiet and the understanding that it was just you two together in this little world you both shared, and that was beautiful.

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