eighty one: loving eyes

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author's note: taking a little break from the series momentarily!

prentiss looked at reid before leaving after hotch spoke to him. 

"naughty boy," she muttered before leaving to go get ready for the flight to go out on the case. 

"tell me about it," you muttered, picking up your materials before looking up to get ready to go and noticing everyone's eyes on you as reid just looked down towards the  floor. "what?"

morgan just chuckled, causing you to look over at him.

"_____ would know," he said as garcia looked between you and reid as you furrowed your brows.

"everyone's dismissed except reid," hotch said as you left with garcia and morgan. on the way to your desk, they laughed about what you had said. 

"the kid is naughty?" morgan asked as garcia just laughed.

"according to ______," she replied. "she has the first hand experience."

you turned around as soon as they finished speaking.

"okay, guys, it was one time," you said. "he says things to me a lot of the time but there was only one night where something actually came from it all." 

garcia chuckled as morgan smiled at you. 

"it's you we're talking about, ______," he said as you cocked your head and slightly furrowed your brows in confusion. "reid gets all weird whenever someone talks about you."

"weird?" you questioned.

"i think he's trying to say that reid gets all lovey, sometimes suspiciously somewhat turned on," garcia explained as you felt blush heavily powdering your cheeks. 

"spence isn't super sexual about anything," you muttered. "it's only on occasion when we do something and even then, it's not like we think about it often. we like to cuddle more than have any sort of sex together."

morgan smiled, looking over at reid as he came over to your desk before taking the seat. you turned around to take a seat in your chair and upon seeing him, you smiled at him.

"hey, pretty boy. what did hotch need?" you asked him as he smiled up at you sweetly, reaching  over for your hand as you gave it to him. he let out a small sigh.

"i have to stay with garcia," he responded. 

you smiled towards him as he gave you a confused look.

"what? you're doing that look again," he said with a light chuckle. 

"wait? what look? reid, what look?" garcia asked him as you turned around, tucking some hair behind your ear. 

"okay, so, we should get going," you said in response to her question as you pressed a brief kiss to reid's forehead from where you could reach from where he was seated as well before walking away. 

"just so you know, garcia," he said to her as she nodded. "she does this look filled of pure love. the way that her eyes dilate when seeing me is more than what i have seen on any woman looking at a guy before."

garcia smiled, looking over at you as you had a conversation with prentiss and morgan about specific coffee flavors you guys liked.

"she does love you, you know that reid?"

he nodded.

"yeah," he responded. "how could i forget when i get to see those beautiful eyes of hers."

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