one hundred and fifty two: party

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while out at a party, you were getting a drink before you began to walk back over to your boyfriend but you overheard some girls talking about him- causing you to turn your attention to listen to them.

"i know! he's just so cute," the first girl said.

"are you gonna go talk to him?" the second girl asked the first.

she shrugged. "i think so. it doesn't seem like he has a girlfriend."

that's when you began to walk back over to him as he was talking with morgan about your plans with him to go to hawaii after the two of you got married.

"hey, hey, there you are," morgan said. "wonder boy won't be quiet about your future marriage."

you smiled at morgan before focusing on reid. you noticed the girls coming towards your boyfriend out of the corner of your eye so you smiled at reid before you put your hand into his.

you pulled him close to you as he furrowed his brows in confusion. you noticed the girls still coming closer, so you pulled him down into a kiss, hoping the girls would get the hint.

when you let go, you noticed both of them walking away as you smiled. you were pleased with yourself.

"what's up with you?" he asked as morgan took a sip of his drink, quietly laughing to himself.

"oh, nothing. just marking my territory, that's all," you told him, pulling him closer to you as you took a sip of your drink.

"so, spence was talking about marriage again," you began the conversation once more as morgan laughed.

"jesus, you are so jealous, ______," he replied as reid continued to adoringly stare down at you.

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