sixty seven: smitten

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"it's so nice to finally meet you, mr. reid," your mom said as she passed around a bowl of vegetables. reid smiled awkwardly as you spoke up for him.

"he prefers doctor, mom," you told her with a smile.

"ooo, so like, you work on people? what kinds of surgeries have you done? i'm really into grey's anatomy so i'm sure i can understand," your younger sister said as she leaned further on top of the table to get closer to him.

you raised your eyebrow at her, but she didn't notice.

"actually, it's more of a scientific doctor," he explained as she smiled a little wider.

"oh, so what kind of science? biology? chemistry?"

you furrowed your brows in response as reid sort of awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"uh, it's mainly all of it the premise of science," he explained. "i study everything that i can and i have a more scientific brain as compared to a religious or unlogical brain."

"so, like street smart?" she asked.

you stared your sister down as she slowly was moving her hand forward to try and make contact with his that was currently resting on the table as well.

he nodded. "i'm more common sense and book smart as compared to- what are you doing?" he asked, looking down and noticing her hand slowly moving towards his.

"i'm reaching for the butter, obviously," she said as she picked up the butter tray and brought it back to her as she paid your eye stares no attention.

your mom and dad were very interested in what your boyfriend was saying; however, and failed to notice the acts of flirtation your sister was putting on for your spence.

"anyways, i think it's really cool that you work in the scientific field. do you work in the same group as my sister?" she asked.

he nodded. "it's how we met. i mean, granted that in terms of meeting someone, a crime scene isn't really the place you want to be when you two connect and bond but i guess the world has its weird ways."

"it's a little sad honestly," she began, picking up her fork and about to take a bite of her meat your mom had prepared. "you should've come to the hospital and you could've met me instead. now that would be one hell of a story, wouldn't it, doctor reid?" she asked with a small smirk before taking a bite as he stared at her while your heart pounded loudly in your ears.

it was after dinner as the two of you were trying to stay away from your family at the moment. reid was trying to calm you down but you couldn't seem to get back to the calm state you had been in before.

"she's all over you, isn't she! she just loves the fact that she's a nurse and she probably would've gotten to date you too if i hadn't met you first! i mean, she's so greedy and selfish and always wanting someone or something that she can't have! i mean, i has to give her my barbie dream house because of her constant bickering when we were kids! and now, it's you? my spence?" you rambled while pacing the room you had locked you two away in to keep the family out.

reid stood up from the bed he was sitting on as he came over to you, reaching out and pulling you closer as you stopped and looked up at him.

"you have absolutely nothing to worry about," he said as he pressed a small kiss to your forehead. "you are the woman i met and i've never been happier about that."

he pressed a kiss to your cheek before smiling at you while you smiled back, intertwining one of your hands with his as he kept the smile on his lips.

"and i love you, not your sister, _____," he said softly as he pressed a kiss to your lips. you leaned into it, tightening your hold on his hand before he let go.

"are you okay now?" he asked.

you stared at him with a smile still on your face.

you were absolutely smitten.

"yeah," you said softly, pressing one more kiss to his cheek. "i am."

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