ninety five: scattered

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morgan loved distracting reid and getting him off of his game a little bit. the best way to do it? to get you involved.

morgan always wanted you to be involved in anything he did involving reid because he thought it was funnier that way.

today, reid was ranting about the perfect blueprint for a serial killer as you sat at your desk, not minding him any attention since you were used to it all.

morgan nudged you from where he had moved his chair closer to you from his desk. prentiss, j.j., and garcia were all listening to what your boyfriend had to say.

"_____, hey," morgan said softly as you looked over at him.


"i want to throw reid off his game today," he muttered softly as you shrugged.

"what did you have in mind?"

"well, this one is more pda but i know for a fact that it'll throw him off. you should kiss him everytime he begins to say a swear word," morgan muttered, chuckling to himself as your cheeks turned pink.

"what in the hell made you think of that?"

"i read about it in a book."

you laughed a little.

"i mean, sure, why not. i'd love to spend all day kissing my boyfriend," you said. "especially while people are being murdered."

morgan shrugged.

"you don't have to do it but i know it'll throw him off his game and it will be pretty funny," he said, scooting away from you as you looked over at reid who was busy talking away.

reid wasn't the type of guy who would curse often so you weren't really expecting much from morgan's prank he wanted to pull on him today. it wasn't even a prank- it was just to see how scattered you could get reid's mind to be.

"____, would this be considered a ritual?" morgan asked as you shook your head.

"no, it's more of a pagan tradition rather than a holiday considering that the wax used inside of the carcass is most likely from a celebration within a traditional idea of some kind rather than a ritual."

reid looked over at you as finished speaking as morgan just chuckled, walking off a little ways but didn't entirely leave the room. he wanted to see how scrambled reid's mind could become.

"holy sh-" reid began but you remembered what morgan wanted to see so badly- the scattered thoughts of reid's mind- and you pulled reid towards you as you pressed your lips to his.

he didn't hesitate to kiss back.

his grip on your waist was tight, tighter than you expected it to be as you gripped on him a little tighter.

when you let go, he tried to pull you back to him as you laughed a little, pressing another kiss to his lips as morgan walked in to break it up but reid didn't seem eager to end it right now.

"you are beautiful, _____," he said softly, pressing a kiss to your lips as you smiled up at him. "i love you and i adore you. you are the only one that can even come close to making me feel things i didn't think i could feel."

you blushed heavily, pressing another kiss to his cheek before letting go and getting ready to continue the case but reid's mind was already distracted now.

he loved you. so much.

morgan had now figured out how in love with each other you two were. and how scattered reid's brain can really get.

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