sixteen: labor due date

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"_____," rossi said over the phone as you picked up the phone call. "where are you right now?" he asked.

"i'm with morgan at the fountain view, why?" you asked as you sat back a little, letting out some of an exhale as morgan looked over at you. you rubbed a hand over your stomach as you continued to talk to rossi.

"i might need you," rossi said.

"why? what happened? is spence okay?"

"he's just a little worked up, is all. and he said he won't calm down until you get here," rossi told you.

you nodded. "okay, we're on our way."

you hung up the phone, letting out a small exhale as you winced slightly.

"everything okay?" morgan asked as he helped you up. you nodded, regaining your calm composure.

"yeah, everything's fine," you told him. "reid just needs me right now because-"

"no, are you okay?" he said, emphasizing the word 'you' as you looked up at him while the two of you began walking to the car.

"yeah, i'm fine, why?"

"you were wincing," he said as you nodded.

"yeah, the doctor told me that can happen," you told him as he helped you into the car.

"oh my god, there you are," reid said as you walked into the room with morgan. he immediately came over and pulled you to him, holding your hands as tightly as he could while you smiled.

"hey, spence," you said, looking up at him.

you winced once more, catching reid's attention as your grip tightened on his hands as you tried not to focus on it.

"_____, sweetheart," reid said as he looked at you. "what's going on? has this happened before now? did it just start?" he began rambling off questions as rossi and morgan joined in on the confusion.

"i'm fine, spence, it's all under-" you began but the pain was still happening as you looked down towards the ground and let out a heavy exhale. when you looked back up at him, he nodded.

"he's coming," he told you as you shook your head.

"spence, he's not due for another four weeks," you told him.

"sweetheart, i'm sorry to break it to you, but he's coming," he told you as you held onto reid's hands tightly before he turned to fade morgan and rossi.

"how far is the nearest hospital?" he asked briskly.

"about ten minutes, why?" morgan said.

"_____ is going into labor," he said with a nervous smile as you held onto reid's hands tightly.

"alright," rossi began as everyone looked at him. "let's get her to the hospital then."

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