forty seven: chemistry

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walking into the bau that morning, your head was clouded with thoughts of the events from last night. you weren't really paying attention and rather going over everything from last night so when you bumped into someone, you looked up.

"spence," you said softly, giving him a sweet smile. "hey."

"hey," he said softly, giving you another smile back in response. "everything okay?"

you sighed, running your fingers through your hair.

"do you want to tell everyone that we're dating because i want to be able to go out with you," you said gently. "i mean, i have guys hitting on me left and right and asking me out and for my number and making excuses about having a boyfriend without you being there is not exactly the easiest."

he smiled, sliding his hand into yours as he shrugged.

"whatever you want, angel. i'd give you the world if you asked for it," he responded, causing you to blush as you stood up on your tiptoes and press a gentle kiss to his cheek as he laughed a boyish laugh.

"so, how do you want to tell the team that we're dating?" you asked, looking up at him as the two of you walked over to his desk, hand in hand.

"i'm not sure," he replied, setting down his bag as you continued to hold onto his hand without thought. "i mean, we could just come out and say it."

"i guess we could tell-" you began but morgan walked over with garcia as they both wanted to talk to the two of you. you were still holding onto reid's hand without thought.

"oh my god! i knew you two were dating!" garcia exclaimed as you looked over at her in confusion.

"what?" you asked.

"you two have been trying to keep it a secret but i know how to hack phones," she said with a smile. "you two are so cute!"

"and i see that you're both holding hands which is another reason we know," morgan said with a chuckle as he sipped his coffee.

you looked down as you cleared your throat, looking back up at them.

"yeah, you caught us," you said with a small smile, looking over at garcia was just smiling immensely.

"how long?" she asked.

"has this been going on? about four months," you replied as reid tightened his grip on your hand while talking to the two of them. you felt him do so as you smiled to yourself, blushing and looking down slightly.

"i fully support this! oh my gosh! you two are adorable!" she exclaimed once more before j.j. called for the team to gather. you looked over at reid.

"guess we better get going," you told him as you both began walking over to the conference room as morgan and garcia followed behind and listened to your conversation. not because they were trying to do intentionally but because you two were so cute. the chemistry just spilled out of the two of you.

"no, spence," you began. "the murderer in the tell tale heart is the guy himself. it's not some other person."

he shook his head. "according to edgar allen poe, it is actually his mind going insane and how he committed a murder. it's basically in first person and trying to express how the narrator went insane."

you laughed a little. "when did this short story even come out?"

"1843," he responded. "there are several movies made about it but they aren't very good. many people criticized the many remakes simply because of production."

you smiled. "should we watch it and form an opinion for ourselves?"

"well, there are five different films. each came out at different times. there was one that came out in 1960, two came out in 2014, another came out in 2009, and another one in 2013. there are all pretty bad so i'm not sure-"

"we can watch whichever one you want to watch, spence. i just need you so i'm not sitting there bored and terrified all at once," you responded. he smiled, entering the room with you as you both took your seats.

"okay, i can't contain this anymore!" garcia said as you both looked up at her with a somewhat scared eye look. "reid and ______ are dating!"

you blushed heavily as prentiss and j.j. looked at the two of you.

"i thought something was going on," rossi said as reid smiled, shrugging his shoulders. you felt your heart beat speeding up when you looked over to see him looking at you. "clearly, i was right."

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