thirty six: lila

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on the way flying over to the new case the team had, you were sitting next to reid as morgan took a seat next to you as well. reid's arm was resting on the back of the small sofa as you were leaned against the back of it, looking through the case file while j.j. sat next to rossi and prentiss sat next to hotch. 

j.j. had just gotten off the phone as she announced what she had learned. 

"so, they've already set up a task force in los angeles," she said.

"this isn't their first serial case," rossi responded. 

"you remember detective owen kim?" she asked the team aloud. 

hotch was busy studying everything in the case file but still responded. "from the stalker case."

"yeah, you remember that case, don't you, spence?" j.j. said as she looked over at him. you were busy reading the case file but looked up when you heard his name being said. 

he nodded. "i do remember that case."

j.j. chuckled as you furrowed your brows in confusion. "yeah, you ever talk to, um, what is it, lila anymore?" she asked as you perked up slightly as reid moved his arm from being on the back of the couch and now to around you and under the area of your shoulders. 

"you know, i think we should probably focus on this case right now," he said. "it's a little more pertinent."

j.j. looked over at him one more time before seeing his arm tightly holding you to him as you stared confused at the case file but mainly because you were confused of what j.j. had said before. 

"_____, you okay?"  j.j. asked as you felt reid pull you closer to him as you nodded. you looked up at her with a brief smile before continuing to go back over the case as morgan looked over at j.j. while she watched you stay pulled close to your boyfriend. reid had a tight grip on you as she nodded, looking back down towards the file. 

"sorry," she said softly as reid looked up at her as he nodded.

when the team got back on the jet to get home, you were over talking to prentiss about a movie you had seen recently before seeing  reid sitting down on the couch from earlier. you excused yourself from the conversation as you walked over to where he was. 

he looked over at you, immediately pulling you towards him as you were now laying on your back facing up towards the ceiling of the jet. 

"spence," you muttered. "we aren't at home. we can't do anything like this just out here with the rest of the team around." 

he smiled down at you, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips before he let go and smiled. 

"who says i can't show off how much i love you?" he said sweetly as you blushed.

"who's lila?" you asked him before he quieted you once more by putting his lips on yours again. you sunk into it before feeling him let go as he laid down on top of you and rest his head in the crook of your neck.

"she doesn't matter," he muttered, pressing a kiss to your neck. "you're my girlfriend and she was just a person from a case," he responded. "you," he began, lifting himself off of you once more to plant a final kiss on your lips. "are the love of my life."

he then lowered himself back down onto you as he placed his head back in the crook of your neck. you smiled, holding back onto him as he let out a sigh, burrowing himself further into your hold. 

"i love you, spence," you muttered, holding back onto him as his grip was tight around you. 

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