ninety one: they don't have to know (part four)

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one of the first parts is inspired by a comment!!

throughout the case, you couldn't seem to take your mind off of what you wanted to do tonight afterwards. you were getting yourself excited thinking about finally getting to spend time with your boyfriend alone, hopefully, without morgan.

"______," hotch said again as you looked up at him.

"yeah?" you asked.

"i said i need you and reid to go out and interview one of the witnesses," he said as you nodded.

"right, sorry sir," you said with a small smile before following after reid. when you two exited the building and were walking towards the crime scene where the witness was, you finally let out a sigh.

"oh my god, reid, i cannot wait any longer," you told him as he stopped walking with you and looked down towards you.

"what?" he asked.

"spence, honey, i need this right now. i cant keep myself waiting all day and night," you told him. "i mean, i know we need to do our job and usually we're very professional coming out here but-" you began as reid chuckled.

"_____, the last few times we've gone out on this sort of thing together when hotch assigned it to us, we always found some place to make out before getting back to our job. are you sure you want to-?"

you nodded, grabbing his hand in yours as he took off the sunglasses and looked down at you still.

"okay, but are you su-?" he began again but you nodded, still staring up at him.

"spence, we have a small window of time here that closes every second we stand here talking about it rather than actually doing it," you told him as he sighed, pressing a kiss to yours lips before letting go and looking around.

"okay, go over there because i really would rather not be too close to the actual crime scene," he muttered as you nodded, obeying every word he said to you.

he looked at you once again.

"are you sure that-?"

you nodded, pressing your lips back onto his.

"oh my god, spence," you muttered as you walked back into where people could see you more visibly as you leaned against a wall.

"okay, so," he began as you looked up at him. "do you think you can focus now on the job?" he asked with a slight smile.

you shrugged.

"if i can walk, that is," you said, pushing yourself up off of the wall and immediately grabbing onto his arm for support.

"oh my god, _____!" he exclaimed quietly as you looked up at him.

"you did me too hard," you muttered, keeping your grip on his arm as the two of you walked nearer to the scene of the crime.

"you wanted to hook up at a crime scene, again might i add," he said softly. "did you think i wouldn't make it better than the first ti- okay," he began before looking down at you. "you know what i'm trying to say."

you nodded, getting over to where the witness was as you began asking them some questions but the person couldn't seem to take their eyes off of your hand firmly gripping onto his arm.

"oh, are you two a couple? i didn't know police officers could date," the witness said. "well, how cute are you two! anyways, yes, that's what i witnessed."

you smiled at the older lady before you and reid turned back around to leave to head back to the station.

on the way back, you stopped him.

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