ninety eight: jealousy build up

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"doctor reid?" a young girl asked as you were talking to morgan about something on the case. reid was talking to garcia on the phone but got off the call when he got an answer he was looking for.

"yeah?" he asked as you looked through some of the photos from the crime scene again in comparison to the newest one.

"you're my favorite fbi agent," she said, smiling widely. "i think that you're incredible and do you have a girlfriend cause i can change that really quickly."

reid chuckled, reaching over, and pulling you towards him as you stayed pressed against his back.

"i do," he said. "but thank you. thank you very much."

you were still trying to talk to morgan but reid was keeping his hold tight on you, making sure you couldn't leave him. you furrowed your brows in a questioning response as you just decided to wait and see what would happen.

the girl sighed.

"whoever she is, she's a very, very lucky woman to get to wake up with you every morning," she said. "i mean, you're so-"

you spun around immediately and smiled at her, holding his hand tightly in yours.

"agent _____, pleasure to meet you," you began. "but he's my boyfriend so i'd suggest maybe just keeping those inner thoughts to yourself please. we have a lot of work to get done so if you could excuse us that would be great. thanks."

the girl sighed, walking away as you bit your lip in jealousy.

"i knew you'd get bothered by it," he muttered, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.

"you're someone i'm in love with, spence," you told him. "of course i'm going to get bothered by a girl hitting on you. you're my boyfriend."

he chuckled. "i love you."

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