one hundred and seventy three: missing unsub (part two)

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that night, reid was allowed to come visit you in the hospital. you had been brought back to a stable condition and you were able to talk to him now. when he arrived, he walked in and sat down next to you, taking your hand in his.

you sat up, looking down at your side to notice a hospital gown as you lifted it, finding the bandage.

"spence," you said, feeling the urge to cry coming back.

"it's okay," he said, giving you a soft smile, tightening his hold on your hand. "you're okay. i'm here."

your eyes met his as you tried to hold back your tears.

"i'm sorry," you told him, your lip slightly quivering.

"hey, hey, look at me, doll," he said, gaining your attention once more. "it is not your fault. the only person to be blamed is the one who did this to you."

your eyes slowly drifted down to your side once again.

"what happened," you muttered.

"you didn't talk to me on the phone for a little, _____. you're badly injured and you were saying things that scared me," he told you.

"did i tell you about the stars?" you asked as he nodded.

"you did," he reminded you. you nodded, looking down at his hand that was tightly holding yours.

"what about the woman who shot me?" you asked, still staring at his hand.

"_____? it was a woman?"

you nodded.

"yeah, uh," you began, nervously looking towards the door as he moved closer to you.

"i'm right here, baby, it's okay. you can tell me."

your eyes met his as you let out a soft sigh.

"um, she was, she was tall. taller than me, close to your height. she had hazel eyes, she wore glasses, she had long hair, it was blonde. she was wearing jeans that were ripped from the knee down, a black turtle neck, and some white socks with orange nike's," you said as reid nodded.

"that's good, you're doing great. now, what about any physical characteristics?" he asked as you looked at him.

"spence, i don't think-" you began, feeling tears coming to your eyes as he shook his head, running his hand along your arm lightly.

"you're doing great, sweetheart. i'm right here, i'm not leaving you," he said, staring up at you from his chair. you nodded, holding onto his hand still. "now, what were any physical characteristics or traits?"

"um, she had a light limp, i believe. she," you took a small break in between. "she had a scar on her left wrist above a tattoo that said 'Lady'," you said. your eyes were staring at reid's hand that was moving along your arm.

"do you know what her tattoo stood for? where she got it done?" he questioned as you shook your head.

"i'm not sure. i think she got it done at a place called the seven sins, but i'm b it sure honestly," you said softly.

"you're doing great," he told you softly, giving you a light smile to ease your nerves. "now what about the night? can you tell me how it went?" he asked.

you felt yourself getting sick.

"spence," you began. "i don't know if i-"

he nodded. "we need to know, baby. we have to figure out what's going on and why she targeted you specifically. you're okay, i'm right here."

you nodded slowly, your breathing shaking as you began to explain.

"i remember i was out with a couple of friends that night to get some drinks," you began, tightening your hold on his hand. "and, she was there. she was friends with one of my friends. and i remember someone brought you up and that i was dating you."

reid furrowed his brows, waiting for more of the story.

"and i remember that the woman started getting really jealous about it because she was talking about you a lot," you said, suddenly realizing. "spence, she did all of this just to get at me because she wanted you," you said to him.

your eyes met his as you felt tears coming on. he shook his head, trying to immediately calm you down.

"baby, you're okay," he said, sitting on the edge of your bed as he wiped your eyes gently with his thumb. he smiled down at you, continuing to hold your hand. "it's okay. you're with me, everything is okay."

you nodded, looking down to your lap as you took a deep breath in.

"she took me to the barn to kill me," you muttered. "she had to of. there's no way that i would be out there that late and in the middle of nowhere essentially."

you leaned forwards, laying your head on his shoulder. he looked down at you, pulling you close very gently because of your wound as he kept his arm around you.

"we're going to find her, angel," he said softly. "i'm not letting her get away with this."

you kept your head on his shoulder, letting out a shaky sigh.

when reid had finally gotten you to sleep, he was outside talking with morgan and prentiss about what you had told him, explaining it all to them.

"so it's a woman? who did this over jealousy?" prentiss questioned as he nodded.

"she shot her and tried to kill her," he said, looking back over at you sleeping to make sure you were okay before facing them once again.

"how the hell do we even find this woman?" he asked.

morgan let out a sigh.

"if she can remember a name, we can get garcia to cross reference it with any sort of description she gave you," he said. "that's how we'll solve it."

he nodded, looking over to see you waking up now.

"she's waking up, i'll call you guys if there's anymore information she gives me," he said as they both nodded and walked off.

he re-entered your room, coming over to where you were.

"hey, how you feeling?" he asked gently.

your eyes met his as you didn't want to break the eye contact.

"i think i know who did it," you said. he sat down next to you, holding your hand tightly.

"who was it?"

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