one hundred and sixty: pure panic

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"______!" he yelled, sitting up quickly as he tried to catch his breath slightly. you woke up in a panic as well, turning on the lamp as you looked over at him in confusion.

"what?" you asked, your eyes wide with concern as reid covered his face with his hands before running them into his hair as he stared down towards the white sheets before covering his eyes once more.

your eyes observed his behavior as you waited for him to tell you.

"you're here," he said softly. "but you weren't. and you were, oh God," he said, trying to calm himself down as he looked over at you.

his hand immediately went to resting on your cheek before he dropped it and instead pulled you closer to him. you let him do so, concerned with how he was acting. he brought you nearly into his lap as he wrapped his arms around you, keeping you close to him as he let out a shaky sigh.

"spence, what happened?" you asked gently as he pressed a few small kisses to the top of your head as you rest your hands on his arms that were keeping you close to him.

"there was a crime," he muttered. "and you were there with me. and the lady had a gun pointed to your head and she looked at me. and she told me how much she loved me. and i tried to get her to settle down, but she didn't. and she pulled the trigger," he said, tightening his hold on you. you leaned back into him as you felt your heart skipping beats in a scared manner.

"why did this happen?" you asked softly. "what made your mind come up with this?"

"i'm not sure. i think the new case we had might have something to do with it," he said as you nodded.

"spence, i'm right here. i'm okay," you reminded him as he nodded, laying back as he shifted his head into your lap. you stared down at him, running your fingers through his hair. "i'm here and i'm not going anywhere. not for a long time. you're okay, spence."

he nodded, closing his eyes as you kept him close.

you admired him as he tried to fall asleep peacefully, and luckily, he eventually did because of how well you knew him enough to calm him down.

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