fourteen: snapped

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"hey, what did you guys find out about-?"

"your boyfriend snapped at me," prentiss said as she entered the room with reid behind her as he let out a sigh and shook his head, looking over at you.

"what?" you asked, standing by the board still as j.j. looked over at the two of them.

"he just snapped at me and he did so at the lady who runs the shelter as well," she said as you nodded, looking over at him as he let out a sigh and walked out of the room.

"spence?" you asked, walking out of the room to find him. "hey, honey."

he looked up from the chair he was sitting in as you gave him a soft, sweet smile to ease him as he watched you take a seat next to him. your eyes searched his before speaking up again.

"are you okay?"

he let out a sigh, looking off to the side before making eye contact with you once more.

"i love you," he said softly.

you shook your head, knowing what he was doing.

"spence," you muttered. "you can't pay me to go away with your love. what's really going on?"

he bit his lip gently before responding.

"it's just everything with the drug," he muttered as you nodded, letting out a sigh. "i'm sorry."

you looked back up at him as you grabbed his hand in yours.

"spence, you should just talk to me. it's so important that we communicate," you told him. "we can work through this, honey."

he nodded, giving you a soft smile before the two of you stood up and began to head back into the main conference room that the team was set up in.

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