one hundred and sixty three: christmas pregnancy

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"_____, you okay? you look a little pale," morgan said as you nodded, excusing yourself to go to the bathroom. you took a seat in a stall as you tried to make yourself feel less nauseous; however, it was unsuccessful.

when you finally got out of the bathroom, you went to j.j. as you told her where you were going and to ask hotch to go ahead and have the briefing as she nodded, asking if everything was alright.

you nodded. "no, yeah, i'm fine."

after getting the test, you walked back into the bau as you headed to the bathroom as you took the test. a few minutes passed, and the result came as you felt your heart skip a beat.

"spence," you said, walking into the bau room as everyone looked at you. "can we talk outside for a minute?" you asked.

he nodded, getting up as he followed you outside and down the ramp towards the desks a little as you led him to an empty office.

you held up the pregnancy test as you smiled up at him.

"i'm pregnant!"

you couldn't contain your smile as you stared at him, waiting for his reaction.

"oh my god, you're serious?" he asked as you continued to show him the pregnancy test. "oh my god!"

he engulfed you in a hug as you smiled to yourself.

"oh my god, we're going to be parents," he said as you nodded.

"spence, we're pregnant," you said as you kept staring up at him. "oh my god!"

he pulled you back into a hug as you stayed close to him.

when you got the room after the briefing, morgan walked up to you as he asked you what happened and if everything was okay.

you nodded, smiling as you looked over at spence before responding.

"we're going to announce it on the plane," you said.

when you all were on your way to the case, you and reid got everyone's attention as you both began to explain what was happening.

"so, we have some news we want to share," reid said as he looked at you to continue with the news.

"i'm pregnant," you said, smiling at your friends as everyone got shocked with smiles. prentiss was the first to speak on it.

"oh my god, congrats you two!" she exclaimed as morgan smiled and laughed a little as he looked between the two of you.

"congrats you two!"

you looked over at reid as you smiled, placing your hand on your stomach gently.

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