twenty seven: share the news

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"are you planning on going over to garcia's after work?" you asked j.j. as she nodded, laughing a little. you cocked your head in confusion as she took a brief sip of her coffee before beginning to explain it to you.

"she wanted to go scary," she said. "but i told her she doesn't have a scary side. but i'm still going because it's garcia and we love her, don't we?"

you nodded in agreement as you saw reid going to his desk and grabbing his bag as he began to turn off the light and sort his papers. you excused yourself from the conversation as you walked over to your boyfriend.

"hey, where you off to? i thought we were getting dinner?" you asked him as he smiled down at you sweetly before going back to sorting his papers.

"garcia wanted my help with getting everything ready for the party," he said, looking through a folder as you watched him mark a couple of things and then put it all away before turning back to you. "i can meet you back at the apartment," he said softly, pressing a kiss to the side of your head before walking away to catch up to garcia.

you turned to watch him go as you bit your lip with mild force before letting go.

"hey, you alright?" morgan asked as he came up behind you.

you turned around, tucking your hair behind your ears as you nodded.

"yeah, i'm fine," you replied. "reid just took off with garcia. he said that she wanted his help getting everything ready for the party she's throwing, which is perfectly fine, but we were supposed to go out tonight."

"hey, i'm sure that it won't take them long to get everything. it's not like they're setting anything up," he replied as you nodded, looking over at the photo reid had on his desk of you on your three year anniversary.

"morgan?" you asked aloud as you stared at the photo. "am i losing my trust in my own boyfriend or something because i know that reid loves me but lately it doesn't seem like it."

morgan shook his head. "would you like to listen to him in the morning at the coffee nook because i'll gladly let you take my place."

you chuckled, looking up at him before going over to reid's desk and observing the photos he had on his desk. he had several but many were printouts of famous scientists that he admired and a couple of his mom. there was one of the team but it was not very noticeable. then there were multiple of you and him together, and several of just you. you sat down in his chair as you picked up a photo of the two of you that he had. it was one taken while out on a date for valentine's day.

you smiled to yourself as you set it back down and let out a sigh, slightly sliding down in the seat a little.

"i'll see you tonight, ______," morgan said as you nodded, still looking at everything that he had on his desk. he had several books you had given him, several files for cases, papers filled with printouts of different lists he wanted to memorize, and a card that was open on his desk. it was tucked by the photo of you from your three year anniversary.

you picked it up, looking at it as you slid the card out of the envelope. you had completely forgotten that you had written this to him. it was from your first date that morgan and garcia had set you two up on.

you read it to yourself.

sé que crees que las computadoras te ralentizan, pero en realidad, no pueden seguir tu mente.
see you soon.

you smiled to yourself, putting the card back by the photo as you heard reid say something to you from behind.

"you're reading my letter?" he asked as you spun around in the chair to look at him.

"hey, spence," you said as you smiled up at him. he came over to you, leaning down to look at the picture you had put the card by.

"you were so beautiful that day," he said to you, causing you to blush heavily as you watched him stare at the photo in admiration. "i just knew that i was going to marry you, ______. the way you showed up to my apartment in that dress and how you were so at ease with me at this point," he said softly as you looked over at him.

"what's going on, spence?" you asked, watching as he turned back to face you.

"i wasn't planning on doing this now," he said. "i wasn't even planning on doing this even remotely like this but ______," he said. "you are the love of my life, sweetheart and i was wanting to ask you this ever since our sixth date but will you marry me, _____?"

you felt your breath being taken out of your body as he smiled sweetly and softly at you.

"of course i will," you told him, finally being able to get oxygen back to your lungs as you felt tears fall down your cheeks. "do you have a ring, pretty boy?" you asked as he laughed awkwardly.

"yeah, see, i was going to propose at garcia's with the team around but, that didn't exactly happen."

"then why are you here if you were proposing there?" you asked.

"i accidentally may have left the ring here," he said as you laughed. he smiled at you sweetly, laughing lightly. "good thing you didn't look at the picture of my mom because it's in that picture frame."

you raised your eyebrows in surprise as he got the ring out, sliding it on your finger as you stared up at him.

"i love you, spence," you told him as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"i love you, too," he responded. "and now i get to marry you! i always knew i was going to! ever since that sixth date, i'm telling you. you are just the absolute love of my life."

you smiled at him, pressing a kiss to his cheek before standing up and intertwining your hands.

"let's go share the news," you told him as the two of you began to walk out of the building to go to garcia's day of the dead party.

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