one hundred and sixty nine: just an angel

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"spence, can i talk to you for a second?" you said as you looked down at him from your standing position. he nodded, getting up and following you into a separate room during the case. you closed the door behind you before turning around and seeing him giving you a confused look. 

"everything okay?" he questioned, raising a brow in your direction as you nodded, crossing your arms after tucking some loose hair behind your ear. 

"yeah, everything is fine, spence. i, um," you began, awkwardly sitting down on the desk next to where he was standing as he turned to face you. "i don't know how to say this," you muttered as you felt the worry in the room get thick. you looked up, grabbing his hand as you gave him a small smile. "hey, babe, i'm not breaking up with you." 

"then what's up?" he asked, sitting down next to you while leaving his hand in yours as you looked down towards your shoes.

"well, uh, i got a text yesterday from someone," you began as reid nodded. "they were asking me out and, okay, here goes," you muttered as reid furrowed his brows in confusion. "it was one of your old friends from arizona." 

he tightened his hold on your hand in confusion. 


"um, i think it started with a b? um," you said, trying to remember the name as reid suddenly remembered. 

"ben," he muttered, letting out a sigh. "not him of all people. doll, you need to know that if you had not of met me first, you would have definitely dated him." 

you furrowed your brows, looking up at him. 

"would i?" you questioned, seeing him pull out his phone as he went to some of his photos that he had of ben and him as you looked over his shoulder at them. you shook your head, smiling as you rest your head against his shoulder, looking up at him. "spence, have you seen  yourself? i wouldn't of dated him at all. and i won't now."

he looked over at you, smiling as he pressed a kiss to your forehead before seeing you hop off the table. 

"okay, well, we should get back out there and- why are you looking at me like that?" you asked, nervously as you blushed a little. 

he shook his head, walking over to you as he pressed a brief kiss to your lips.

"no reason, you're just an angel," he said softly before kissing you once more and opening the door to leave as you smiled to yourself. 

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