forty two: song writing

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"you're joking!"

you shook your head, laughing a little as you went over to the coffee nook where garcia followed you as prentiss came up to join the conversation you both were having.

"what?" she asked, approaching the two of you.

you took a sip of your coffee as garcia explained.

"a guy wrote a song for _____ and how much he loved her!" garcia said loudly as you soon heard a panicked voice near you, causing you to jump a little and spill some coffee on your shirt.

"oh, shit," you muttered, looking down as you reached for some napkins to wipe it up as you looked over at reid while you tried to clean the stain off of the shirt but you knew nothing would come of it.

"a guy wrote a song about you?" prentiss asked.

"no, a guy wrote a song for her which specifically means that it's not implying anything but it's something special to just him and her," reid softly as he stared down at you. "when did this happen? when were you going to tell me about it?"

you smiled up at him sweetly, pressing a kiss to his cheek before responding.

"it was a long time ago," you muttered. "relax. it's not like i still love him or anything."

"right, right," reid started as he pulled you close to him. "cause you love me, right?" he asked sweetly as he rest his head in the crook of your neck.

you smiled, your hands resting on his that were around your waist.

"always, spence," you responded back as garcia piped back up.

"but what was the song about?" she asked as you laughed a little.

"it was his way of telling me he loved me but," you paused momentarily. "it didn't seem sincere. it's like he was trying to say he loved me and he was sorry and then, a few days after he sang that to me, i found out that he had been cheating on me with some girl he met at a bar one night while i was off on one of our cases."

you felt tears coming to your eyes as you looked down towards your shoes before feeling reid's grasp tighten.

"i'm so sorry, _____," she said as you looked back up at her.

"i'm okay, now," you responded. "i just don't trust someone with my heart anymore. except for spence and that reason will be kept between the two of us."

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