fifty seven: long time, spence

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"does _____ have a boyfriend?"

j.j. looked over at reid as they sat at their desks. j.j. was visiting prentiss and garcia at her desk while reid stared over at you talking with morgan.

"no," j.j. said hesitantly. "she doesn't. why?"

reid kept staring at you, observing your body language and seeing how you were conversing with morgan.

"does morgan like her?" he asked.

the girls shared looks between each other as he kept staring at you.

"i don't think so," garcia replied.

"how do i ask a girl out?" he said aloud once more as prentiss laughed a little.

"oh my, oh my," she said. "reid likes _____!"

he looked over at them, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"hm?" he asked aloud.

"come on, spence. who else would be asking all of these questions about _____? we've seen the way you look at her," j.j. responded to his question.

"i've never seen you look at a girl the way that you look at her," garcia added. "and if you want to win her over, just go over there and ask her out. the things that you don't know and i do."

she smiled after that as everyone looked over at her.

"what?" she asked.

"what do you know that we don't?" prentiss asked as reid nodded, sitting up as he looked over at her.

"i don't want to say it."

"you've already halfway spilled- tell us the rest," prentiss said.

"reid, the way to win her over is to just go over there, and if you do the shy smile of yours and look at her in her eyes, she will instantly fall in love with you," she said. "_____ told me that if you did something like that, she'd marry you on the spot."

reid stood up immediately as the girls looked between each other, watching him walk over to you as morgan walked away.

"hey, spence," you said as he approached you, giving you a small, shy smile like he as used to doing. when you looked up from your drink, you saw him looking at you sweetly as you kept eye contact with him.

"oh my god, garcia," j.j. said as she looked over at her. "you're going to get them married before me and will!"

she shrugged.

"_____ has loved reid for a long time," she said. "i'm just trying to help her out here. she can't stop thinking about him, or admiring him i guess you'd say, and this girl is just crazy into him. i guess i just didn't think about reid liking her back."

j.j. laughed, looking back over at the two of you.

"what are you doing?" you asked him as he looked away momentarily before looking back at you. "is everything okay?"

he nodded, smiling once more at you as you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach.

"spence, what is going on with you-"

he pressed a brief kiss to your cheek as you shut your mouth immediately, leaning slightly into it.

"what do you think if we went-"

"yes," you said immediately as he leaned back from you, smiling once more at you. you couldn't help but smile back up at him.

"so you'll date me?" he asked sweetly as you nodded eagerly.

"i would never date anyone else," you replied as he smiled a little wider.

"i guess we're on the same page then," he replied as you nodded up at him.

"i've liked you for a long time, spencer reid."

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