seventy four: can't help myself (part one)

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hi guys!!! im back for now!!!
enjoy this short series i'm starting as a way of keeping my sanity lol:)

some people are naturally irresistible.

sometimes it was the way they spoke, the way they acted, or the way that they just naturally were personality wise. it could be a simple look or glance that catches a person's eye or even a walk or a sentence they said.

for elijah, it was everything about you that he found irresistible.

the way you just were was so appealing to him that he just felt like he couldn't help himself.

"hey, man," morgan said as he came up behind the new rookie on the team. "you okay?" he asked.

elijah turned away from you as you tapped a pen lightly against the top of your desk while studying a case j.j. had provided to you.

"uh, yeah," he said as he cleared his throat. "yeah, i'm fine. just warming up to the area, i guess."

"it's _____, isn't it," morgan asked.

elijah swallowed a little heavier than he meant to.

"look, rookie," morgan said, taking a seat in the chair next to him. he turned to face morgan with red cheeks from being embarrassed. "i know you still have a lot to learn, but you've got to note that she has a boyfriend. who, might i add, is also on this team. and the kid is a genius who will find some way to come back at you if you try to hit on her."

elijah furrowed his brows in confusion.

"no one told me she had a boyfriend," he said. "i sent her several texts already."

"what did they entail?" morgan asked, sitting back.

"well," he began, pulling out his phone to look at the messages. "the first little paragraph talked about how it was me and everything and about how i thought she was beautiful and irresistible. then, i went into detail about asking her for some, favors, if you want to call them that. and she hasn't read them yet."

"did you send them recently?" morgan questioned.

he nodded. "a little while ago."

"shit," he muttered, standing up and walking over to where you were as your phone sat on the desk.

"hey, _____," he said as elijah watched from a distance.

"hey, morgan," you responded, sitting back in your chair. "you need something? or wait, did you come for advice again? because like i said, the things that you want to do at home with a woman, just look it up please."

he laughed a little. "no, i actually came to borrow a pen."

you nodded. "sure!"

when you began reaching for a pen, you noticed your screen lit up with texts from an unknown number. you picked it up as morgan tried to stop you but you shook your head, reading the sent messages.

"oh my god!" you said a little louder than you meant to, causing elijah to slowly sink down into his seat a little to avoid your eyes moving towards him from the phone screen.

"does he know that-" you began but morgan nodded.

"i just told him. and the only reason i found out about this was because he's been staring at you pretty much all morning," morgan responded. "and he didn't know you and the kid were together."

"how did someone not tell him already!" you said a little loudly. "garcia said she would tell him!"

"garcia gave him your number," he responded.

"oh my god!" you replied, locking your phone and setting it back on your desk. "please, morgan, whatever you do, make sure spence doesn't see this. i can't have him thinking another guy and i are hooking up when we aren't. i don't want him to see the detail the rookie went into about the dreams he's had."

you were about to take a seat in your chair when you felt two familiar hands pulling you backwards towards them.

"thank god," you muttered softly, pressing yourself against his body. "i need this."

morgan looked up at reid who was smiling down at you with the brightest, loving smile he'd ever witnessed on a man before.

"you're so beautiful, ____," he muttered. "i simply can't help myself."

you smiled, resting your hands on his that were around your waist as he pressed a kiss to your cheek.

morgan nodded, looking over at the rookie once more who was now standing up to leave the room.

"what the hell, rookie," morgan muttered to him as they were walking into the station. "you've got to call garcia and tell her to delete your messages to _____ so reid doesn't see them."

"but i don't know her that well yet so i'm not totally-" he began but he shut him down.

"you asked her to give you _____'s number so i feel that you are perfectly capable to call her and ask," he said. "do it."

he walked off to join you and j.j. in the other room as elijah took a deep inhale and got ready to dial garcia. he didn't want to erase the memories he had of you. he would get you away from reid.

he was sure of it.

how could he not when you were just so irresistible.

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