one hundred and ninety four: argument repercussion

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ever since a fight with your mom, you had been acting a little irritable lately with people. it was about something so sincere that you hurt talking about it to anybody, so you shut yourself off from the one person who only ever wanted to help you in any way that he could.

when you walked by his desk that morning, he stared at you- longing for you to come over and talk about everything that he knew you kept inside. he knew that it was hurting you in some way, it had to be with how much you were keeping it together.

prentiss noticed the way that reid was staring longingly after you, his eyes pleading for you to turn around and come tell him everything.

"reid, hey," she said, catching his attention away from you. "what's going on between you two?"

he sighed, sitting back in his chair.

"she's hurting, but she just won't tell me what it's about. i can tell she is from how she's ignoring me wanting to talk about it and whenever we're at home, she just seems off whenever she's talking to me."

prentiss sighed, looking over at you briefly before making eye contact with him once more.

"how are you approaching the subject with her?" she asked.

"as i usually do," he responded. "i'm honest and gentle about it."

prentiss nodded, seeing you walking over to the two of them before stopping and telling them that the case reading was about to start. reid never took his eyes off of you, and you glanced over briefly to meet his eye contact before walking away.

"i thought i knew how to handle this situation," he muttered.

"reid, women are complicated and we tend to riddle things for everybody around us in order to cope with a situation going on or to not become too vulnerable," she said as he nodded. "i think you need to approach _______ when she's looking more open to communicating her feelings."

"emily, who knows how long that will take," he muttered, standing up as she followed.

"reid, did you not see it in her eyes? i looked at her when she was looking at you and there is something there. i think it will be soon," she admitted.

when arriving back at home that night, you unlocked the door for you and reid as the two of you walked inside the small apartment you shared. as soon as reid shut the door and set down his belongings, you were off to the bathroom to take a shower. however, reid stopped you.

"________," he said softly, catching your attention. "something is going on with you." 

you paused your walking, facing towards the bedroom and bathroom as you leaned against the doorframe.

"i'm fine, spence," you muttered back, turning around to give him a fake smile before continuing into the bedroom. reid followed you inside, turning around and shutting the door in that room also. you sighed, looking over at him.

"you're hurting, sweetheart. i can see it in the way that you looked at me today and how you've been acting the last couple of days," he said, calling you out to an extent in the kindest way possible.

your eyes moved away from looking at him as you now faced the bed sheets while you kept your mouth shut. you feared opening up about the situation because it bothered you greatly- and you felt that if you pushed the emotions down far enough and tried to move past the situation, the feelings associated with the issue would also disappear. 

"what's going on?" he asked, gingerly.

finally, you let out a small sigh that you had been holding in before responding.

"do you remember when my mom was here?" you asked him, too nervous to meet his consistent gaze focused towards you. reid nodded however, and waited for you to continue your talking. you were now opening up to him- and he was not going to risk ruining it. 

"she, uh, she talked to me about something very close to my heart. it was something that holds my heart in their hands everyday," you muttered, glancing briefly at reid as he nodded, walking closer to you. "and how she doesn't think it's a good idea."

reid felt his heart sink at those words. you didn't believe them, did you?

"______, do you believe it?" he asked you gently.

your eyes felt watery, and you knew that you were going to cry talking about this because of how dearly you held him to your heart. you trusted him with everything you had- including your life. 

"no," you said softly. "but, the ideas were forced into my head. and spence, i can't get them out."

he could hear the hurt in your voice as you spoke. it was breaking his heart.

"hey, hey, ________," he said gently, taking your hand in yours, causing you to look up at him. "you have to trust me, okay? i'm here to help you. why would i ever hurt you?"

you nodded, feeling the tears coming more frequently now. 

"i know, spence, but my mom kept telling me that she used to trust somebody like you and she got her heart broken too many times. she thinks i'm making a dumb descision by continuing to date you," you admitted, now looking up at him as you felt yourself beginning to break down. 

reid shook his head, gathering you in his hold as he sat down on the bed and brought you with him. he kept you close, running his fingers through your hair gently, causing you to look up at him as you tried to control your breathing.

"hey, just breathe, baby. okay? just breathe," he said, his eyes observing yours as you nodded, closing them and trying to get your breathing under control. "you're okay, i've got you."

your heart rate was slowing back down to normal as reid smiled sweetly at you, wiping your tears away tenderly as he admired you.

"is this what has been upsetting you?" he asked softly as you nodded slowly, still staring at him.

"yes," you muttered as reid gave you a small smile, brushing some hair out of your face.

"_______," he said softly, seeing you nod a little. "you have to trust me enough to tell me the little things of what's going on with you. i could have helped in some way with this situation with your mom."

"how would i come to you and tell you that my mom doesn't like you, spence?" you told him, your eyes searching his. "it seems unfair to tell you something so hurtful."

reid shook his head, the back of his pointer and middle finger gently running down your cheek as you kept your eyes on his. 

"i trusted you with my drug addiction, sweetheart," he muttered softly. "i trust you with everything. and if you had told me earlier about all of this, i would not have been mad or hurt. i would have been upset, but not at all with you. because i know your heart."

you nodded, staring back at him still as he calmed you down. he knew everything about you and how to settle your emotions. he  knew you far better than you knew yourself.

 when he finally got your breathing back to normal and you were beginning to look tired, reid pressed a kiss to your forehead before looking back down at you once again. you had closed your eyes, leaning forward towards his shoulder. 

he gratefully allowed your head to rest on his shoulder while he kept you close. you were falling asleep slowly and he wanted you to lay down in the bed for a better rest. he shifted to get you two under the blankets and to a laying position. you instantly had cuddled yourself into his hold.

"i promise you that i will never let anybody hurt you like this again, _______. and that includes your mom," he muttered, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before the two of you fell asleep. 

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