seventy eight: moving in together

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"so, how's it going?" morgan asked reid as he walked back up to him. reid was still holding some of the flyers in his hand as he responded back to morgan.

"not good. i gave the profile to one woman, she asked  if i was the unsub. how are you doing?" he asked, looking over at him as morgan replied.

"well, i gave out all my flyers," morgan said as reid sort of gave him a little smirk of a smile.

"how many phone numbers did you get?"

"none," he said. "i'm working a case here, kid."

reid sort of gave him a look before he finally caved.

"ok, four were offered, but i didn't take any of them. all right, let me school you real quick. what you have to do with these ladies, is take control of the conversation."

reid chuckled some.

"morgan, i have a girlfriend. i can't believe you keep forgetting. i just find it funny how you didn't take up any of the offers provided to you," reid replied as morgan nodded, remembering.

"i keep forgetting that you somehow managed to wrap her around your finger," he said. "what did you say to her?"

reid looked at him with a sweet smile.

"i was just being myself," he responded, feeling his phone vibrate as he looked down to see it was you calling him. "excuse me," he muttered as he walked away with a small smile. morgan laughed a little, smiling to himself.

"hey, angel," reid said as he heard your voice on the other end as it made him smile to himself.

"spence, hey, quick question," you began. "first of all, i miss you. second of all, i want you to move in and i was wondering if you wanted to?"

reid smiled to himself, not being able to contain it.

"angel, i've been waiting for you to ask this question for so long," he said. "i cannot wait until i get to hold you again."

you smiled to yourself, messing around with your necklace as you sat on your couch.

"when do you get back?" you asked.

"most likely tomorrow night," he responded.

"i'll be waiting," you told him sweetly. "i love you."

"i love you, too. also, can you get morgan under control? he keeps forgetting i have a girlfriend."

you laughed gently to yourself. "okay, i will, spence. i'll see you tomorrow. i love you."

"i love you too, angel."

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