one hundred and seventy five: perfect woman

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"oh my God, reid, we have found the perfect woman for you!" garcia said, rushing into the main bau desk area. he looked up from his reading as he furrowed his brows in confusion, waiting for her to elaborate more on her sentence. j.j. followed her inside, standing behind her as she nodded in agreement- prentiss joining in as well.

"what are you guys talking about?" he questioned, keeping his book open still. 

"well, before we got called back into work, the girls and i were out at a bar," garcia began, watching as reid furrowed his brows even more.

"why would you think the perfect woman for me is at a bar?" he questioned as garcia shushed him and continued with her explaination. 

"so, we were out at the bar and we saw this woman sitting alone and occasionally talking to men. and one of the guys that came over was clearly drunk," garcia said as j.j. butted into the conversation. "and the way that she complimented him and then subtly insulted him afterwards was so amazing."

reid cocked his head in confusion, waiting for more backstory.

"what did she look like?"

it was prentiss' time to speak now. 

"she was shorter than j.j. by a couple inches, she had ______ hair, it was past her shoulders, we think she had ______ eyes from someone mentioning her around us," prentiss said as reid got confused, searching his pocket for his phone.

the girls looked at him in confusion this time. 

he found a photo, holding it up to them as they took his phone and looked at it. prentiss got confused as she looked down at the picture, realizing it was the woman they saw in the bar. 

"that's her," she said in confusion as the girls looked at him. 

he shut his book, standing up, and retrieving his phone from them. he smiled to himself before explaining. 

"yeah, so, we didn't want to tell people yet but that's my girlfriend," he said, giving the three women a smile. they looked at him in shock and confusion, wondering about the entire situation.

"then, what was she doing in a bar? by herself? without you?" garcia questioned as reid sighed. 

"i knew you three were going to the bar tonight, so we kind of set this up?" he said, laughing a little at the end as he got a call on his phone that was from you.

"this doesn't even make sense," garcia said as reid excused himself and went to another room to talk to you.

"hey you," you said into the phone as reid smiled to himself.

"hey, sweetheart, i just told them," he said as you smiled to yourself, pressing the floor button on  the elevator as you let out a small laugh.

"i'll tell you, spence, it sucked not being able to have you with me tonight," you muttered softly to him as he intently listened. "i mean, some of the guys were really trying me hard," you muttered softly to him as reid cleared his throat.

"just get here as soon as you can," he said as you smiled to yourself, stepping out onto the floor. 

"come see me, pretty boy," you said, hanging up afterwards as he exited the room he was in to see you walking out of the elevator as he quickly went to you, engulfing you in a tight hug, keeping you close as you smiled, burying your head against his shoulder as he held onto him.

"i've missed you," you told him, repositioning your head against his shoulder as he kept you close. he didn't want to let you go.

"and i've missed flirting with you over all those drunk guys at the bar," he muttered as you laughed a little. 

"i knew that would get you jealous," you said as he shrugged. 

"it's hard not to be jealous over you," he replied, pressing a couple kisses to the side of your head before you heard the doors behind you open and someone asking to talk to you and reid. you let go of reid, taking a step back as reid turned around to see the three women standing there in confusion and shock.

"so, this is her," prentiss said as you smiled at the three of them.

"the woman who stole your heart," j.j. said as garcia kept staring at you. 

"why were you-?" she began but you slipped your hand into reid's. 

"spence told me about your plans tonight and we set it up," you explained. "we didn't really want to tell anybody yet, but i can't stay away from him so you all would have found out eventually with how often i come to the office." 

garcia kept staring at you in confusion.

"so, how long-?" 

"seven months," reid said, pulling you closer to him as the girls just stared at the two of you.

"honestly, who would have thought," j.j. said as reid pressed another kiss to the side of your head, causing you to smile. 

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