seventy one: sister (part four)

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the next morning as you were getting ready, you heard a knock on your door before your sister opened it.

"hey, sis," your sister told you as she wrapped the robe tighter around her body. "you know that i love morgan, right? like he's great and all and my God, the way he can move is-"

"i don't want to hear about your sex life," you told her as you finished putting on chapstick before turning to her and grabbing your bag and case files you had been studying with that were on your desk.

you had managed to grab some of the letters your sister had written without noticing as you walked past her.

"i'm leaving for work now," you told her. "i'll see you later."

when you got to the offices, morgan saw you walking towards the conference room as he came over to you, trying to get you to stop but he spooked you a little bit which caused you to drop the files which included the letters.

"what do you need, derrick? it's already bad enough you're having sex with my sister but now these random- what are you reading?" you asked, finishing picking up the files as morgan read over the letters your sister wrote about reid.

"oh my God, that's not for you to- how did you- how did you get that?" you asked him as you tucked your hair behind your ear.

"does your sister actually love me or is she just getting back at you by dating me because you're dating reid who apparently she's in love with?" morgan asked, looking over at you as you slowly took the letters from him.

"you weren't supposed to see these," you told him. "but it was going to come out sooner or later. my sister is in love with my boyfriend, yes. my sister is also dating you to get back at me too, derrick. i don't want her to use you but she was getting so much on my nerves that i did try to tell you but you wouldn't listen. none of this would've happened if you had just listened to me," you told him softly before giving him a small smile before walking away and towards reid.

"i just exposed my sister," you told him. "derrick knows that you're the love of her life, or what she thinks, so that's an issue."

reid pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"i'm sure that everything will be okay, sweetheart," he reminded you. "i know that this is weird and a rough time right now but i'm sure everything will be okay."

"my sister is going to kill me," you told him.

"it wasn't your fault that she wrote love letters to your-"

"to you," you told him, looking up at him with love and adoration filling your eyes. "you are the love of my life and i won't dare let me sister take you from me."

"she's going to be dumped by morgan, though," he reminded you as you nodded.

"but that won't mean she can take you. i know that after that happens, she'll use every advantage she has to try and take you away from me. please be careful, spence," you told him. "i love and cherish and adore you so, so much."

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