ninety: they don't have to know (part three)

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the next morning, you wanted to call reid but decided against it. however, you decided to actually just stop by his apartment on your way to work that morning.

when you walked up to the door, you knocked on it gently, but not too gently since you heard the lock being taken out before reid opened the door to see you there.

"oh my god, oh my god, you're here," he said. "you're actually here. oh my god," he muttered, wanting to just take you in his hold and press small kisses all over you but he was waiting to see your reaction.

you smiled up at him. "can we talk? inside?" you asked as he nodded, allowing you to step inside before shutting the door behind you, making sure to lock it this time.

"what's up?"

"spence, i love you," you told him truthfully. "and because i love you, i think we need to communicate. this is just," you began as he stared at you. "it's just worrying me a little bit that morgan has absolutely lost his damn mind."

reid nodded. "i know, i talked to him about everything i could last night before kicking him out."

"you talked to him?" you asked as he nodded.

"yeah, i mean, i told him everything i was feeling."

"which was?"

he looked over at you.

"you're the best thing that's ever happened to me and i'm scared that he ran you away from me which is why i acted all happy and surprised that you were, i mean, are, here this morning, i mean, i can't even tell you how scared i was that you wouldn't-" he began rambling as you broke the sentence by pressing a kiss to his lips, causing him to grip your waist a little tighter.

"spence, i know i ran off last night. i know it might've seemed a little, bad, but trust me, there is nothing in this world that could possibly make me ever want to break up with you because i love you so much," you told him as he pulled you into a hug.

"so, we can work through this whole morgan, garcia thing together?" he asked sweetly.

"who else would i rather fight crime with, honey?" you asked sweetly as he pressed a kiss to your forehead before going back to embracing you once again.

that morning at work, you were sitting at your desk with some coffee when prentiss walked over to where you were.

"hey, _____! how was your night last night?" she asked, causing you to look up from the article you were reading.

"hm? oh, uh, it was fine," you muttered. "i guess. how was yours?"

"it was great!" she responded.

"oh, uh, tell me more about that!" you said, sitting back in your chair, happy to get the attention away from your horror story of a night.

"well, my cat and i hung out some, which i know sounds so sad, but it's good to get to know a new cat and make them feel comfortable in a new space, you know?" she asked as you nodded, taking a sip of your coffee.

"yeah, definitely."

"well, anyways, we hung out for a while and then i put on an episode of the bachelor and drank some wine. i was going to have you and the girls over but that didn't really seem to work out since no one was answering my calls."

"oh, yes! i'm so sorry, emily, but i was busy with my mom last night. she was in town so, i wanted to spend some time with her," you told her as she nodded, standing up.

"no, it's fine! i understand," she replied. "alright, i'll see you in there."

you gave him a small smile before grabbing the case files you needed for the day and walking up the walkway to get to the conference room.

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